I just remembered..

the blog’s 1st anniversary is coming up, so why wait with a giveaway until I reach 200 followers when I can celebrate this instead? 😀 So I have a few weeks to think about some giveaway/contest rules 🙂

And on another note I am sorry for my silence this week, I have been sick and actually still am, but at least I am at work today, so I hope I will be feeling fine before tomorrow where I have a lot more to do here :s Oh and I am sorry about not responding that much to comments and mails, I will catch up during the week 🙂

Think this might be a very accurate picture of how I feel at the moment 😛 Thanks for reading and have a nice sunday 😀

Oh noes!

I sinned! I shopped! But only for some necessities! I was out of mascara and at the pharmacy I saw this cuticle creme so had to get it, cause of the extra dry skin right now. And for the polishes… its not even for me! Its for you! Someone out there can win this. I plan on doing a giveaway when I reach 200 followers here on the blog 🙂 So if any of you are reading here, but haven’t signed up through the Google Friend connect thingy in the side, now is a great time for doing just so 🙂

I made the picture black and white on purpose so the colors of the polishes would be a surprise for when I announce the giveaway 😛 And of course since I can see most of you like creme polishes I got just the opposite ;D Nah I think you will like these 😀

Thank you for reading 🙂

Nubar – Raspberry Truffle

Don’t think I have even gone so long without posting a polish in here, but I have been working last week and still don’t have any sun out for taking some good pictures. Okay I’ll stop complaining about the sun now 😛

This polish is from the Chocolate Truffles collection from Nubar that was released fall/winter 09. I love the color of this and I cant really remember how many coats this needed but I am pretty sure 1-1½ was enough. I dont wanna say much more since the picture pretty much speak for it self. Looovely color 😀

Ink by Dennis Knudsen

I was reading the danish magazine Costume last night and I saw a commercial for a semi-new danish makeup brand, it was actually released last autumn but I haven’t seen it anywhere so guess he is trying to do a comeback with it now. The well known danish hairdresser/stylist/makeupartist Dennis Knudsen have made his own beauty product line and within this also some nailpolishes. The picture is taken from his website that you can see here http://www.dennisknudsen.dk

Not the most exiting colors, but looks like he chose to do some of the colors that are trendy right now and some of the more basic colors. The one that I might invest in when I at some point get of my no-buy or get a gift card could be the one on the picture, Top Glitter. I am guessing it might be some kind of a topcoat. I think this post is more interesting for the danish/scandinavian readers but I kept in English so all would understand it 😉

Click to see it in a bigger version

I don’t know why I haven’t seen this brand before since it should be out in the stores I usually go look for nailpolish and makeup, but maybe now that it has been “relaunched” I will see it at some point. Anyone out there tried them or even seen these in Magasin, Matas, Salling, Estetique or Bahne?

Mate a movie!

I’m sick so in random boredomness I fell over this site. It’s called Mate a movie and the concept is mate two or more movies, combined to make one much funnier movie. Think there are some great entries 😀 Maybe a bit overload on the Avatar side 😛 I still plan to do some polish stuff this week just waiting to feel a bit better and hoping to get some sun also.. This winter is beginning to be very annoying, slse I will have to get some old pictures out 🙁