
China Glaze Poolside Collection – Summer 2010

A new collection from China Glaze, their summer collection called Poolside. I think its a great collection of brights and neons. And I think I might need to get Towel Boy Toy and Flip Flop Fantasy. Those are my favorites so far 😀 Cant wait to see some swatches of it 🙂 Do you have any must haves of these? Remember to click the picture to see a bigger picture 🙂

The 6 colors in the Poolside collection include:

  • Pool Party: Neon Pink
  • Flip Flop Fantasy: Neon Coral
  • Sun Worshipper: Neon Orange
  • Yellow Polka Dot Bikini: Neon Yellow
  • Kiwi Cool-Ada: Neon Green
  • Towel Boy Toy: Neon Blue

New stuff on the blog

I just added a blog policy page and a page about me.. Not so personal yet, but take a look and feel free to ask me if you have any questions 🙂 So this page will work as a kind of FAQ 😀

Other than that, I at work watching Sleepers at the moment and just counting the hours till I get off work and have 1 less day till my week off.

I will update with some pics(if the sun are willing to stick its little smiley face out) of some new polishes i got this week.
Cross your fingers 😀 Happy caturday

Paradise Hotel 2010

Sorry for danish readers only 😛

Der er et par stykker der efterspurgt links til hvor man kan se Paradise Hotel sæson 6 gratis på nettet og indtil videre har jeg kun fundet det lagt på youtube.

Så det kan ses her, men hvis den kanal bliver slettet så prøv at søg på Paradise Hotel S6 E1-4 eller hvad for et afsnit du nu vil kigge 🙂 I øvrigt er det allerede en rocker fed sæson! Hende Amalie er da helt blank 😀

Edit* De ligger desværre ikke flere op/resten er slettet.  Så det eneste sted man kan se det online nu er vist hvor man skal betale for det 🙁

RIP Alexander McQueen

I am not much of a fashion blogger, but this is really sad, he was a huge talent and a big icon in the fashion industry.
Read more here and here

Lee Alexander McQueen

17 March 1969 – 11 February 2010

NOTD / China Glaze – Anklets of Amethyst(st)

This is weird.. a spelling error… hmm…
When I removed this label a more recognizable China Glaze label was underneath, but it’s odd that this one was on top.. Anyone seen this before?

Anyways on to the swatching :p this is a purple shimmering/glittering color. I tried getting a close up picture to show it, but again with no sun out and with a normal lamp its even harder to capture. So hope this will do it for you. I have about 4½-5 coats on here. Its a really sheer polish but it was easy to apply 🙂

Reason for my afk’ness these last few days is my internet is not working very well. So its a pain even to browse any websites 🙁 So I don’t know if I will be able to do any more updates before my ISP have fixed the problem. So hope you can understand why there is so little/none updates 🙂 I try to go on my mail and twitter, but still working so slow so have given up on trying to respond to messages or emails.