Nye briller fra Burberry!

Jeg er “velsignet” med et utroligt dårligt syn.. så jeg bruger til daglig linser. Men som min optiker var så sød(de tjener jo penge på det) at gøre mig opmærksom på så kan jeg jo ikke tage på arbejde eller gøre noget faktisk, hvis jeg får en øjeninfektion eller lign. Så nu har jeg altså investeret i et par briller. Jeg skal bare vænne mig til at gå med dem.. kan lige klare at sidde stille med dem på. Hvis jeg bevæger hovedet eller går rundt så bliver jeg helt vildt søsyg 🙁 nogen der har erfaringer med at gå fra linser til briller? Har ikke haft briller på siden 97 cirka. Så har ingen ide om hvor lang tid der går før jeg kan se normalt med dem. Nå men stellet skulle være ret in lige nu, så er åbenbart med på brillemoden 😛 I øvrigt vil jeg undskylde for et utroligt ringe billede. Jeg har ingen makeup på overhovedet og har verdens tørreste læber.. og det kan man altså godt se 🙁 Så det er bare en advarsel til hvis i klikker på billedet og ser det i stort format 😉 Og er det ik ret freaky ude i siderne hvor at mit hovede blir mindre når man ser det gennem brilleglasset? Skrumper lige ind i siden.. nå men det var da en effektiv måde at tabe sig i hovedet på 😛 Anyways what say you?

I got new glasses. I have been using lenses since 97 so haven’t worn glasses since then 😮 and now I am getting all dizzy when I am wearing them. Anyone know for how long that should last? I can sit still with them on. But if I move around I get seasick 🙁 halp! oh and btw. what do you think about them? Do they look good on me? I have to get used to seeing my face with glasses that is for sure 🙂 Eh and warning for those of you who click and watch the picture in a big version.. I have NO makeup on 😛 and my upper lip and beneath right eye are sunburned so is all swollen 🙁 damn sun!

Updated with new pic of the glass.


  1. Faktisk var jeg nødt til at lyn-investere i et par briller da min søde optiker sagde jeg havde tørre pletter på øjnene, og en infektion på vej (smart!!!!?????). Der gik faktisk næsten en uge før jeg havde det godt i hovedet :p men sådan var det også dengang man var barn og fik nye briller kan jeg huske, der var den første uge også mega ubehagelig – så du må bare hænge i!

    1. Tusind tak for din kommentar! Jamen der er jo ikke så meget andet at gøre end at blive ved med at tage dem på.. bare irriterende når jeg har linser der ska ud og ind 🙁 nå ja og så jeg ik kan se en skid uden hverken det ene eller det andet 😛

  2. They look great on you,I love that style! The dizziness will probably go away after a coupleof days, but if it doesn’t you should check back with your optician…much longer than that and it’s probably too strong of a prescription?

  3. Super fine briller, jeg har også altid et par reserve briller, det er i hvert fald rart at smide brillerne efter en lang dag synes jeg 🙂

    Ligesom Karina, tog det mig ca. en ugefor at vænne mig til brillerne, og jeg fik også hovedpine de første 2-3 dage :S

    1. Tak 🙂 Er bare svært at vende sig til at lure på en selv med briller igen når man er vant til de ikke er der 😛 Men jeg må jo se at få dem på så.. 😀

  4. Jättefina!
    De passar verkligen ditt ansikte.

    Jag får exakt samma yrselkänsla när jag sätter på mig mina glasögon, jag har också nästan alltid linser och är starkt närsynt. Jag tror det beror på att glasen är “högbrytande”. De blir tunnare men alla linjer blir krokigt böjda och det tar något dygn innan hjärnan har anpassat sig och “tänker rakt”. Å andra sidan slipper man coca cola botten-glasögon 🙂

    1. Tak 🙂

      Jeg har forsøgt et par gange nu, men kan ikke holde ud at have dem på 🙁 gør et nyt forsøg igen i næste uge 🙂

  5. I’m an optician and if you have a correction for a high astigmatism and if they are not made correctly, that may be your problem. The “axis” may be off. Your optician will know what I am talking about. If the measurement of the distance between your pupils is not correct, that may also make you feel seasick.

    The type of material used for the lenses may also cause a problem for you and you may have to get used to a flatter lens. How they sit on your face can also problems. Do you feel better is they sit closer to your eyes or when they are further away?

    You may feel less seasick if the frames where wrapped around or curved a little more around the front of your face, instead of sitting straight across.

    I hope this helped. 🙂

    1. Thanks for your comment. I tried having them on this week from the morning and had them on for a good 2-3 hours but I was sitting still and not moving to much. And when I moved a bit trying to walk around but I got really dizzy again 🙁 it feels like looking through a lense.. like a tunnel or something like it. The edges are round.. well hard to explain. But I will give it one more try and then I will go to the shop 🙁

      1. You are welcome. 🙂

        What I mean by curve, I mean the frame should be curved a little around your face.

        One more thing. The glasses are really nice, but, in my opinion as an optician, I think they are too big for you. When your eyes are centered in the middle of the lens, it’s better for you. There should not be so much space between your eyes and the outer edge of your glasses.

        If you picked out a frame that was smaller, the edges of the glasses would thinner and I believe you would not feel so dizzy because there would be less distortion along the outer portion of your vision.

        I hope your optician is able to fix your problem.

        Good luck!!

        1. Hm my lenses in the glasses actually have a curve… hm I am really nearsighted so had to chose a pair where the frame was rather thick because else the lense would be all over it 🙁 I can take a picture from the side and from the top so you can see it. I will do that tonight and update this post with that picture. And had to get that glass else it would have been so expensive 🙁 Have -6.50 and 6.75 on my eyes and a something error.. i dont know what its called on english 🙂

          1. The “something” error is an astigmatism. It means your eyes are not round and are shaped more like an American football.

            The reason your glass is so thick on the sides is because you chose a pair of frames that need larger lenses (glass). If you choose a frame with a smaller see through area with your eyes more in the middle of the glass, your lenses (glass) would be thinner.

            I’m suggesting the frame be curved a little, like a “U” shape around the front of your frames. That may help you feel less dizzy.

            Yes, you do have a high prescription, but the smaller you go, the better for you. 🙂

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