Trip down memory lane….

Just looked through my CD collection this evening and this was some of them that’s really old 😛 almost 15 years 😀 This is all I have left of the music from my “youth” rest got stolen when I someone broke into my old apartment 🙁 Click to view CD’s full sized! Any songs you recognize? 😀

e.l.f. – Mod Mauve

And the last elf polish this time around. A rather strange color, cant really put my finger on it… is it red? Brown?
One thing is for sure: I LIKE IT 😀 What do you think about it? 🙂

Stine søger lejlighed!

Sorry on danish only 🙂 I doubt any foreigners can help with an apartment in Århus, Denmark 😛

En af mine yndlingsbloggere Stine er gået hen og står i næsten samme situation som mig og min kæreste. Hun bliver hjem løs fra den 1 maj og det gør vi fra den 31 maj. Så en opfordring er hermed givet videre 🙂

Så hvis du kender du nogen, der udlejer en lejlighed i Århus C kontakt Stine. Læs mere her

New stuff :D

First this months “nailmail”. Since I didn’t order any of the Barrielle at, I took the chance to order some Hot Topic Polishes when Karin offered her blogreaders to order some of those 🙂 And then I bought some new books(a crimestory and a chicklit) and a recipe book… Erhm I don’t really cook, but when I do it on a rare occasion I have a few recipes. So I thought this was a good opportunity to start my own little collection 😀

And then I got some packages yesterday, first up the sunglasses! I love them both! So cool 😀

Other package was the shoes I ordered. The other pair in my order was unfortunately sold out 🙁 So I only got these ones.
But it’s okay… 😛

And that’s the last new stuff I am going to buy in a long time. Tomorrow we are going to the bank to see if we can borrow a bunch of money to buy a house.. so cross your fingers out there 😉 Sorry if this post looks messed up in your reader/e-mail. Couldn’t get the pictures where I wanted them 🙁 Thanks for reading/looking 😀 Hope you all have a nice day 🙂