Coco avant Chanel

Så denne skønne film her til aften og kan da kun anbefale den hvis du vil vide lidt mere om personen bag Chanel 😀 Audrey Tautou er nu engang en helt fantastisk skuespillerinde. Rart at se hende igen 😀

Just saw this lovely movie tonight and can only recommend to see it if you want to know a bit more about the person behind Chanel 😀 Audrey Tautou is one amazing actress if you ask me 😉

Tagged! 4 times!

I’m sorry I have been slacking on these, saw you tagged me but forgot all about them and then I just noticed I’ve put a star on them on my reader. So hope I’m not to late on “paying it forward” 😉
2x Kreativ blogger by KellieG and PolishPig
One Lovely Blog by Nihrida
15 blogs i read frequently tag by Naive Nails

First up is Kreativ Blogger and the rules are 7 Facts about me and then I’m supposed to tag 7 blogs with this 🙂 So I guess I’m supposed to give 14 facts and tag 14 blogs, but I think ill stick to the 7 😛

  1. I don’t drink coffee.. kinda ironic when I work night shifts and that I work in the IT business where coffee is something of a drug 😛 But I don’t like the smell.. and the taste is horrible 😛
  2. I have developed an addiction recently… to How I met your mother. Saw all seasons when I had my last week off.. eeeek what a lot of episodes.. but I liiiiiike them a lot!
  3. I quit smoking January 2008(i think, cant remember exactly what date) and I really enjoy not having that addiction any more. Thanks to my boyfriend saying that he didn’t want to live with me unless I didn’t smoke. Was a big push towards getting smoke free 🙂
  4. I got stuck at fact no. 4 🙁 and that’s a fact 😛
  5. I love coca cola
  6. I just wrote a letter to my self that I will receive on my 35th birthday
  7. I recently discovered that I’m pretty sure I have HSP… which explains a lot for me, was a relief 🙂

I tag Jordforbindelse(n), Echoes, 2300 Happiiiness, this is my chaos, Discountliv & Luksusdrømme, //by Nicholaine and Eventuelt & Måske with the Kreativ Blogger award (and ofc the next one to if you want to ;))

The next 2 tags are really similar. The rules for One Lovely Blog is: Place the image on your blog and the name of the person who gave you the award(with a link to his/hers blog) Tag another 15 blogs you discovered recently
And the rules for 15 blogs i read frequently is accept the award and tag 15 awesome blogs that you love to read!
I read a lot of blogs as some of you may know so this is going to be a really hard one. I have no idea which blog I just discovered recently and I read all the blogs I follow when they update because of my reader. So I don’t really know how to choose 🙁 I think I’m gonna stick to the ones I have on my blogroll… so all you lovely girls out there on the right I tagged YOU 😉

NOTD // China Glaze – Atlantis

So I like know this totally awesome chick in the USA.. and she like sent me these awesome polishes 😀 And this is the first of 3 😀 Thank you so much Kellie 🙂 Really appreciate it! 😀

The reason for wearing this today is that later im going home to one of my best friends and we gonna be doing Christmas marzipan/candy(I dont know if this is made anywhere else but its been a tradition for years). When I was little I did it with my grandmother at home. So its nice to continue it with my friends years later 😀 This was my result from last year! Well the reason is because I think its very Christmassy 😛

It tasted so nice 😛

And on to the polish
The last one had a really cool effect 😀

The polish is a jelly glitter greenish with a hint of turquoise/blue. It needs to get 2 coats else it will clump up. But I looooove it. Its so sparkly and have all sorts of colors in stead of just the normal silver glitter. Holo-glitter.. whats not to love?

THANK YOU KELLIE! I love it! 😀