
Gotta love SATC… just saw the episode where its Fleet week and Miranda stays home with Brady.. And then she finds the remains of his bellybutton and the cat runs off with it 😛 did a Google and its actually on the Top 10 funniest SATC moments 😀 See them here

Whats your favorite memory from the show?

And sorry for the lack of posts.. Just started work again and I’m sitting on night shift at the moment. So haven’t really had anything interesting to blog about.. 😛 But I look forward to doing my next NOTD.. looks like we are going opal ;D Have a nice Sunday/Monday. I have night shift tomorrow to so will probably not update again before Tuesday afternoon 🙂 Unless I find something very interesting 😀

Oh and forgot to mention… I watched Twillight for the first time Friday night… I’m on Team Edward.. thats for sure 😀 He can bite my neck anytime.. haha 😀

Great fun…

det er altid vildt sjovt at finde ud af man har kørt rundt i en RØV swift en hel dag uden at lægge mærke til det.. GOE værkstedshumor af min kærestes svend….. eller….


when you realize you have been driving around for a full day with a “BUTT” above the cars name 🙁

Karl Lagermouse

Fandt lige lidt mere Karl L. lavet i en mindre model… og her som mus 🙂 Ligner jo ganske godt 😛

More Karl L. 😀 now as a mouse 😛