Essie Resort kollektion

Lidt nyt fra Essie. Synes de her farver er så flotte og er især helt vild med den blå.. dejlig cremet farve 😀

Some news from Essie… Wow I like these.. especially the blue one. Its so smooth and creamy 😀

Orly – Blushing Bud

Mmmmmm den er rar.. som de siger i Jylland eller det gør en jeg kender som bor i Jylland i hvert fald.. men den er sku rar og flot og helt igennem skøn. Rigtig lækker farve 😀 Og fortryder da ikke et sekund det var den jeg bestilte hjem 🙂 Første billede er fra min mobil og de andre er fra mit nye kamera.. Kunne simpelthen ikke fange den rigtige farve med det så måtte ty til mobilen… som så også har fanget det mest farvetro billede i forhold til virkeligheden. Hvis jeg ska sammenligne farven med noget så synes jeg at Chanel’s Splendeur minder rigtig meget om den.. Du kan se et billede her. Det minder mig om at jeg vist skal have tage et nyt billede af den… ;D

I looove this color.. its so pretty 😀 This is one of those polishes that have a huge color difference from IRL to pictures. So had to try my mobile camera, which is the 1st picture and the 2 next pictures are from my new camera..  😛 The most correct color irl is the mobile one though 🙂 If I have to compare it to another color I would say Chanel – Splendeur is pretty darn close to it. I have a picture of it here. Which reminds me.. I should take a new picture of that one 😛

Norma Jeane Mortenson

Virkelig et ikon af de helt store! Her er lidt billeder jeg har samlet sammen af hende i den senere tid.
Hun er virkelig smuk, synd at hun døde “så” ung 🙁

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A huge icon, such a shame that she died “that” young 🙁

Trip down memory lane….

Just looked through my CD collection this evening and this was some of them that’s really old 😛 almost 15 years 😀 This is all I have left of the music from my “youth” rest got stolen when I someone broke into my old apartment 🙁 Click to view CD’s full sized! Any songs you recognize? 😀

Tagged: 7 facts and 10 things that makes me happy x 2

Sorry if I am bit of a slow poke to do these. But I always have such a hard time figuring out what to write, so guess the motivation isn’t always there to do them. But I do appreciate them a lot <3

First up is a Danish award that’s been floating around a bit that I will give on to some danish and foreign blogs 😉

  • Kopiere awarden ind på sin blog / Copy the award on the blog
  • Linke til personen som har givet awarden / Link to the person that gave you the award
  • Skrive 7 interessante facts om en selv / Write 7 interesting facts about yourself
  • Vælge 7 blogs du gerne vil give awarden videre til, inklusive personen du har fået awarden fra. / Choose 7 blogs you that you want to pass this award on to, including the one who gave you the award

So 7 facts coming up (maybe a bit to enthusiastic, already stuck at number 2)

1. I wear contact lenses and I am really nearsigthed, so have to put stuff really close in front of my face if you want me to see what it is, if I am not wearing lenses of course 😛
2. I wear a size 42/9 in shoes.
3. I don’t like cucumbers
4. I have a tongue piercing
5. I was finished with my 10 things happy tag before this fact list 😛 that’s how much I suck at finding facts about my self.. haha
6. I hate answering machines
7. Only school I have gone to is the normal school, up to 9th grade, in the 10th grade I got kicked half way through the year 🙁

And then the 10 things that makes me happy 😀 I was tagged by the lovely Glidedangel from Naive Nails and the lovely Nicole from Magic Maid. Thanks girls! ;D
Rules for this one is post 10 things that makes you happy and try to do at least one of them today. Link back to the person who gave you the tag and then you tag up to 10 other people

1. My boyfriend.
Waking up besides him almost everyday is great and I love him and I wouldn’t want to be without him. We are about to find out if we can get a house together, so doing this with him makes me just more crazy about him ;D
2. My family.
I love my family, I don’t get so see them that often and I have a really small family so I enjoy the times we have together 🙂
3. My friends.
I have very few close friends that unfortunately not live that close by so don’t get to see them as often either.
4. Nail Polish
If you had asked me a couple of years ago, the next item on the list would have been number 4, but now nail polish is here. When my mother discovered my huge passion for nail polish, she said that it must be some kind of therapy for me, sitting organizing and painting the nails. And I guess she is right. I really just relax when I sit and do this.. and its so nice to have found a whole new world online with all you friendly bloggers out there, makes it worth every second I spend on my own and all of your guys blogs 🙂
5. Online games, World of Warcraft, Counter Strike etc.
Before my nail addiction really kicked in I spent all my free time playing(well I still do but not as much) different online games
6. Blogs
I really love to read blogs, lately though I had to cut a lot of my subscriptions off because I was overwhelmed with new stuff in the reader every time I opened it. Had like 1000 new feeds to read everyday and it just was to many. So I am sorry if I disappeared as a reader at your blog, nothing personal just had to remove my self from some. I did a big clean the other day and removed over a 100 blogs, but still have around 300 left. This is also why I haven’t made comments for a while, I couldn’t manage to do anything other than just read and looks at pictures :/
6. Reading books
I enjoy reading crime stories and chick-lit.
7. Movies
Comedy and action films are my preferred genre
8. TV-shows
Currently obsessed with Desperate Housewives, How I Met Your Mother, Glee, Americas Next Top Model and starting to watch a bit of House again.
9. My slippers!
No need for explanation here I think 😛
10. Coca Cola
Sigh.. I am addicted to this drink and if I could I would drink it all day long.. luckily I don’t 😛 that stuff isn’t healthy 🙁

And now for the people I would like to tag. First up is the one who gave me the 7 facts tag and that is Echos and now I tag her with the 10 things tag 🙂 Such a sweet girl with some great stuff on her blog and have been really patient when I helped her get her domain 😛

Next up is another danish blogger girl Anja. That blogs about everything in her life from her studies, training, food she makes to playing Sims. Love to follow her life in Aalborg 🙂

Would love to tag Nicholaine as well, she really writes inspiring stuff and it comes straight from the heart. I love having a sneak peak in her life on her blog.

I love Jellynat’s blog which is written by Nathalie. She is really sweet and have some great posts on her blog, so I hereby tag her 🙂

A really sweet and inspiring girl is Sasha who has Nihrida’s Blog and I love that she says her has her own opinion about stuff and isn’t afraid to stand up for it! And that sometimes takes some guts so I really admire her and her creative talents 🙂

Then I tag Euridice who has Travels with Euridice, I am not sure if that’s her name or what.. but its sure special 🙂 She have some really great pictures and I enjoy reading her blog 🙂

And last but not least(sticking to 7 people to tag, because I don’t know who have done it and who hasn’t) I am tagging Karin from Vacker & Underbar and she also has I am so amazed over her private blog with her beautiful make-up pictures and that she has the courage and strength to open up her own “nailshop” 😀  I love that she is giving us Scandinavians a opportunity to get such beautiful nail polishes ;D

So I have hereby pass on the 7 facts and 10 things that make you happy 🙂 Thanks for reading/looking/commenting 🙂 And of course when you girls do this tag you just write in the language you normally do on your blog 😉