Next NOTD poll is upon us! This time it will be a battle between two China Glaze colors. First is Strawberry Fields which is a nice pink color with some gold shimmer in it. Very nice, I already had a sneak peak of it on one nail 😛 Second is QT which one of the polishes part of the CG OMG collection, that only have holo colors in it, which mean its FANTASTIC ;D and WE like 😛 So click the picture and take a closer look on these amazing colors and vote in the sidebar on the one you like the most and want to take a closer look at :))
And the winner is…
So guess that Mint Green have beaten Mulberry Pink big time! 😛 Be sure to check in later today for a view of that beauty 🙂 And of course I will be setting up my next vote.. I’m sure that we are gonna see some China Glaze there 🙂 Thanks again all for voting this is so much more fun than just me choosing the color that I’m in the mood for 😛
Next NOTD…
So the next NOTD is a fight between these two lovely colors 🙂
Oh and of course you vote in the side bar 😀
Funky Opal
First poll up!! ;D
Nubar Isis Purple vs. Funky Opal
I thought I would make this vote so I wont show how they look but only write the name, well the name indicates the color a bit so it shouldn’t be that hard to guess.. So for those not knowing anything about the color it would be a surprise ;D So vote vote vote in the sidebar ;D Will run untill Sunday night because I have work all weekend so I will be able to do the mani Monday night on my last nightshift and I will put it up on the site Tuesday sometime when i wake up 😉
Edit: sry about the poll.. but blogger wont let me change color on it 🙁 have to fix this someway