You make me smile award! and bonus Tag!

I was given this award and tagged by the lovely Miss Lipglossing 🙂

-You have to put in a song that makes you happy.
– You can tag as many people as you like, there is no limit.
– Say at least one thing about each blog you tag, that will make them smile, something nice about their blog that makes you smile when you read it! 😀

So I better make this in english then 😛

The song is Queen – Dont stop me now

I was born in the 80ies so i was sort of raised with Queen and this is one of the most played songs on my little CD player 🙂 I love that I just instantly smile when he starts on the chorus and I just think the songs has nothing else than positivity glowing out of it ;D C’mon you cant listen to this and DON’T be in a good mood ;D

Mr. Mercury the world wouldn’t have been the same without you 🙂

And then on to the tagging… this is going to be so hard..
Im currently following .. 286 blogs… 😼 didn’t actually know it was that many…
And so many of them leave me with such a good feeling and smile on my face.. but here we go 🙂

That girl has the most cute and funny cats and dogs… which there was a very cute movie of today 😀 and of course the infamous picture with the censored dog 😛 and well not to forget to mention her incredible manis 🙂

She is studying to become an architect, seems like such a sweet girl and then she have the pink watering can I want! She takes some really good and cool pictures and then we share the same taste in polish brand ;D and the final twist.. she has a real funny mum 😉 Orh sorry Lady of the house 😉

Im a faithfull follower of her blog, we share the same passion for polish and she have a really nice taste in music, usually when I go to her site I start to listen to the little player and just sits for hours and listening to it 🙂 We started blogging around the same time to and she has the cutest little toes hihi 😛

Miss Echoes
We definitely share the same taste in polish… BarryM yes yes… ;D She is a creative soul and does a lot of DIY’s and she recently had a winter hat on her blog.. that looked like a teddybears ass.. 😀 THAT made me smile for sure 😛 and I know it made her smile to 😉

Kim, Iben & Julie J
The 3 lovely fashionistas of More about fashion and us. They have some lovely inspirational pictures and cool quotes! And I think its so cool that 3 girls are sharing a blog and manage to make it so versatile 🙂 One of my favorites posts is Kim not being very happy about a top 😛

And of course my favourite blogger.. that’s not a blogger.. Lucy ;D she always makes me smile with her friendly comments 🙂

I would like to tag alot of others but im sticking to 5 this time around 🙂

Thanks for giving me the award! This was so much fun to do 😀 Hope all of you I have tagged will participate 🙂


  1. Aww thanks a lot for the compliment, an Yes I looved the fact that you reminded me of the teddy-ass 😀

  2. Thank you for the sweet things you've said and for tagging me. I'll have to email you with me answers. I try and get to it sometime soon. I'm terrible and haven't done another tag!

  3. Echoes: Hehe no problem ;D

    Kellie: One of the greatest bands ever.. thats for sure 🙂

    Lucy: When you start your own blog you already have you first tag to do 😛

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