Plain simple only the black Nubar on – Camera flash

1½ coat with Depend – Camera flash

And now with Orly – Matte Top – Camera flash

The result in sunlight, the scratch on the index finger is cause my nail got stuck between some keys on my keyboard and didn’t have time to redo it 🙁 Im sry

In sunlight



I just love the effects of the flakes has.. Sorta rainbow colored in the light 😀 We looove flakes <3 Anyway Nubar - Noir is a really good black color and can only recommend it 😉 Oh yeah... my index fingernail broke last night.. thats why is so short 🙁

Ooooo! I love it with the flakies!
Nice! The matte flakies look great 🙂
Looks very cool matte 🙂
This is so pretty! Especially the matte version 🙂
Aww thanks ladies 😀 I still have it on 😮 its not often i keep a mani for more than one day so I take it as a good sign ;D
Wow! Det ligner sådan noget sten-rav-agtigt! Det er vildt flot!
Åhh… Får helt lyst til at købe ny neglelak.
Det er en rigtig fed effekt det giver med flagerne på den sorte baggrund.
Love the matted look on the flakies. You can really see all the flakes. Your nails are lovely. So sorry you broke your index finger.
That's gorgeous flakies you have there! I haven't bought any Nfu Oh other than the flakies, I have to try their other polishes. That black looks sleek!