En lille blogleg der florerer lige nu er 5 kendte som man har haft et crush på da man var yngre eller stadig har 😉 Så here we go i ikke nærmere specificeret rækkefølge.. eller Tomas er nok nr. 1!
A tag that’s floating around in the danish blog community is this one. 5 guys I used to fancy when I was younger or maybe still have the hots for 😉 So here we go in no particular order!
1. Tomas Villum Jensen(ham med det lyse hår/the blond guy)
Her fra filmen Drengene fra Sankt Petri, hvor mit crush nok stammer fra.
This is a danish guy that you non-danish readers probably don’t know so wont get into the details 😛

John Connor from The Terminator and Danny Vinyard in American History X

That crush was replaced by Cristiano Ronaldo 😛 well still think Justin is kinda hot 😛
4. Mark Paul-Gosselar
From Saved by the bell, then and now shot5. Brendan Fehr
From RoswellSo I will tag some of the non-danish bloggers to spread the tag to the rest of the world ;D
Evil Angel
Hope you will play along ;D
Yay! I'll play, but you girls have to remeber that I'm old ok?!
Haha you are as old as you feel 😛 Cant wait to see who you have on your list 😉
I wasn't tagged but I still want to play! Now let me think of 5 guys… 🙂