This post will be in English 

Since I prefer Orly’s Sec’N Dry Quick Deep-Dry topcoat over Seche Vite Dry Fast Top coat, I promised some lovely girls on twitter to make a comparison. So here it is and I hope you can use it 
First up is some nail polish, this is Orly’s Snowcone

Then a little show of the brush

One of the main reasons that I don’t like Seche Vite is because the brush is a bit on the thick side and also the formula is really thick. And if you apply it at the wrong time it “shrinks” your manicure and I have tried once on a red polish, that it changed the color of it 

Where Orly’s brush is like all their other brushes and the formula is easy and light and can be applied almost immediately after putting polish on.
The first poke is the top one, after 1 min. and then downwards. And after poking on it with a fingernail every minute I can conclude that after 8 minutes and 47 seconds it’s completely dry and ready to go. I tested on the left side of the nail, but since it’s dry I doesn’t show anything
But already after a few(3-4) minutes it didn’t pick up on me putting my thumb on it.

To conclude.. they seem to dry just as fast both of them… so I think it comes down to whether you like the Seche formula or the Orly formula…. And I am an Orly kinda girl.. so sorry Seche
but I do like their Ridge filler and Rebuild though
Which is your favorite?