
Nubar – Brilliant

Så kom Nubar – Brilliant på og så er det jo oplagt lige at få taget nogen billeder af den 🙂 Første billede er med kameraet’s blitz og nummer 2 er naturlig sollys. Synes klart sollys gør den flottest 🙂

Nubar - Brilliant

Nubar - Brilliant

I loooove this color 😀 It’s gorgeous! First shot is with camera flash and second is sunlight 🙂

Nubar – Brilliant

Nubar pretties

Så var der nailmail 😀 Har allerede lagt den til venstre på,  som i øvrigt hedder Brilliant. Den er så fin 🙂

Naaaailmail 😀 Already put on the left one, called Brilliant! Oh its so pretty 🙂

Orly Sec'N Dry Quick Deep-Dry vs. Seche Vite Dry Fast

This post will be in English 😀

Since I prefer Orly’s Sec’N Dry Quick Deep-Dry topcoat over Seche Vite Dry Fast Top coat, I promised some lovely girls on twitter to make a comparison. So here it is and I hope you can use it 🙂

First up is some nail polish, this is Orly’s Snowcone

Then a little show of the brush

One of the main reasons that I don’t like Seche Vite is because the brush is a bit on the thick side and also the formula is really thick. And if you apply it at the wrong time it “shrinks” your manicure and I have tried once on a red polish, that it changed the color of it 😮

Where Orly’s brush is like all their other brushes and the formula is easy and light and can be applied almost immediately after putting polish on.

The first poke is the top one, after 1 min. and then downwards. And after poking on it with a fingernail every minute I can conclude that after 8 minutes and 47 seconds it’s completely dry and ready to go. I tested on the left side of the nail, but since it’s dry I doesn’t show anything 🙂 But already after a few(3-4) minutes it didn’t pick up on me putting my thumb on it.

To conclude.. they seem to dry just as fast both of them… so I think it comes down to whether you like the Seche formula or the Orly formula…. And I am an Orly kinda girl.. so sorry Seche 🙂 but I do like their Ridge filler and Rebuild though 🙂 Which is your favorite?

Mmm Ronaldo!

Ser altid frem til Nike’s reklamer når der er VM. De plejer at være ret sjove, hvis man altså forstår sig på fodbold ellers er de nok lidt soso og er fyldt med lidt mancandy i stedet 😀 Jeg glæder mig SÅ meget til VM, det er virkelig noget jeg ser frem til kommer hver gang, det er noget helt specielt.. men  mest af alt ser jeg frem til at se en hel del fremragende boldspil(as if… ska da bare savle over ham) fra Ronaldo 🙂

I always look forward to Nike’s commercials when the World cup is coming up.. They are usually pretty funny, if you are in to football(soccer for the US ppl :P) of course 😛 And cant wait to drool over Ronaldo ;D

90'er nostalgi

Et par af min yndlingssange i midten af 90erne, hvor vi så småt gik fra at være små børn til at være kejtede teenager og fra sodavandsfester til at drikke øller og blande brandbiler i ½ liters sodavands flasker 😛 Så her kommer lidt blandet 🙂 Både dance og pop… som nok var det jeg hørte mest af 😉

Some songs from my teen years in the 90es… Oh how I miss those times 🙂