
Best blog award!

I was tagged/nominated by the ever so lovely Babbling Brooke with the best blog award 😀 And must agree with Brooke I love all the ladies in the nailblogger community, really some one of a kind people outthere, I think you have to be with a hobby like this 😛

The rules of this award are as follows:

1. To accept the award, you must post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted you the award, and a link to their blog.
2. Pass the award on to approximately 10-15 other blogs that you recently discovered, and think are great!
3. Contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

So I have covered no. 1 😛

The second one is going to be mighty trixy. I have mentioned before I read a lot of blogs 🙁 and it sometimes gets really overwhelming. Everyday when I log on to google reader I have around some 800 posts to go though. At the moment I have 529 subscriptions in the reader.. Danish/foreign fashion blogs, nailblogs and such, so at the same time I can give a little apology for not commenting as often as I would like, I am trying to trim it down a bit but I have no idea who not to read.. I love all the blogs I found 🙁 So the thing about passing it on to blogs that I recently discovered is down right impossible since I cant remember which is new or which is old, feels like I havebeen following them all since the beginning. But I will give it a little try then and give it to some of the newly discovered blogs through the Polish Blogger Network 🙂

Number 3 I think I will cover when I get this posted 😛 Easier that way to click the links haha ;D

NOTD / BB Couture – Balboa Beach Bunny

Got this with this months Nailmail along with 2 others polishes from BB couture.

Love the different color shimmers it has in it 😀 Pretty good coverage with one coat however I found it a bit difficult to apply.

Anyways I love this deep purple color! Had it on for 2 whole days before removing it again and that’s was only so I could swatch some other stuff 😛

Show me your bedside table!

With inspiration from the lovely Kia on I thought I wanted to show what was on mine and not just write it in a comment 😉 So here you go!

I have some anti cold stuff, cause I had a soar throat and running nose recently. Including a cool Kleenex holder thingy I bought real cheap a couple of years ago. Then a lot of books. I am in to the mysteries and chick books. Like shopaholic and such (hated the movie btw!)  Some body lotion, I often go straight from the bath into the bed again and wrapping myself completely in with towels and then under the sheets till I am dry. So I put the body lotion on in here 😀 And then I have my jewelry box(black thing bottom right) and some magazines. And in the back I can spot some stuffed animals that’s been tucked away.. on purpose 😛 I usually read when I go to bed, but because my boyfriend cant sleep with the lights on (whats up with that?? :P) I have to put the book away when he comes to bed, but I read to the next chapter before putt the book away. And then he wants to be all serious and read to.. haha and then he takes out a children’s book one of his friends gave him for a fun birthday present a couple of years ago. The title is on English: Story Of The Little Mole Who Knew It Was None Of His Business
But on danish its a totally different title.. roughly translated its called: The mole who wanted to know who pooped on his head… So I couldn’t really take him that serious with a mole with a poop on his head in the background! 😛

Anyone who reads this can consider them selves tagged! Could be interesting haha ;D And if you do make it link back so I can read it 🙂

Polish Bloggers Network: Lacquer Link Love 1/29/10

Nail Design presents a nail art tutorial on how to do a Wisteria wrapped bow.

The Swatchaholic bring sus yet another stunning Konad design using wonderful shades of springtime greens.

Minder Mutsig Nail Blog is starting catalog of P2 swatches Minder Mutsigenagels and what she has so for will leave you drooling for more.

Think Cherry Blossoms and a beautiful shade of red as Tuli’s Nails shares with you her gorgeous Japanese inspired nail art.

Konadomania spices things up a bit with a sexy Konad of the Day that puts me in the mind of lingerie and lace. Perfect for Valentines day!

polishSWATCHES brings you the work of an 11 year old manicurist in the making and is actually quite pleased with the results.

And now for the goodies

it’s on to the Network Giveaways!

Tuli’s Nails is having a fabulous V-Day giveaway for all her fabulous followers, so be sure to check her blog for the details.

Also, Babbling Brooke is having a contest to Thank all of her wonderful followers and has tons of goodies she plans to share as well.

Orly – Wild Wisteria, Ginger Lily and Pure Petunia

This is the second half of the bunch I got sent* and thought it was about time to do this 😉 The Orly Bloom Collection which most likely represent some of the spring flowers(I don’t know that for sure though :P) that you can expect to see when spring comes around. All the colors in the collection have names after a flower that seems to be within the color range of the polish.

First one is Pure Petunia and the pictures I found on the web have so many different colors so I am guessing without being a big green-thumbed person that it’s a flower that’s being mutated and bred in all kinds of ways, but I think the one I found have a somewhat similar color to the polish ;D And no matter what its a really lovely purple creme color and good coverage with 1 coat ;D

Then there is Ginger Lily which is a like orangy / bronze colored polish. When I saw the color in the bottle I didn’t really like it, but it looked better when I put it on the nails 🙂 This also had excellent coverage with 1 coat 🙂

Last but not least the Wild Wisteria, very dark purple color which in some lights come out like a more dark blue color. Very hard to capture the real colors with this one. But I can definitely see a color similarity in the flower. And like with a lot of dark colors it has good coverage with only 1 coat needed 🙂 I really like these 3 colors from the collection and would love to show you the second half, but I don’t have it and it wont be release until sometime in February. If you want to check out the other colors in the collection its spread out on a few blogs but try to do a google search on Orly Bloom collection and it should be easy to find them 🙂 Thanks for looking/reading <3

*Collection was sent to me from the manufacturer.