NOTD Gosh – 550 Purple Heart

A duo chrome! My first one and I could not capture it, except on one picture and that wasn’t even on the nails.. oh shoot! 🙁 But I really like that’s its purple most of the time 😉 Sorry about the crappy pictures, all was taken at night with a desk lamp or flash 🙁 Applies really good with 1-1½ coat 😀


Okay so I got tagged with some different awards and all of them are basically the same in the sense that I have to list random stuff about me. And since that I am terrible at these random facts I will do them all together, so it’s not that I am not that I am not grateful for getting it I just suck at the facts 🙁

On to the tags: The Haute Mess tag and Beautiful Blogger tag by glidedangel from Naive Nails, then I got the Happy 101 Tag by Nicole from Magic Maid and then the Kreativ Blogger by Vibeke at Discountliv & Luksusdrømme

Rules for the awards is I have to say 7 interesting stuff about myself and then tag 7 people to do the same with the 2 first awards and then list 10 things about me for the Happy award and 7 more for the Kreativ blogger, so gonna do 20 in all, then it should be covered 😛

1. Okay I am stuck at my first fact.. Yus I am that boring apparently 🙁 (can’t I just link to my last fact something tag)
2. Erhm I like Timbaland’s new album
3. I read a lot of books. I really like chick lit and mysteries. Would love to join a bookclub so I maybe felt a meaning with reading all the books 😛
4. Hmm my favorite drink is Pina Colada
5. see now I am stuck again 🙁 hmm… I like green tea gum!
6. I stopped smoking 2 years ago.. But I am pretty sure I will start again some day.. no right now.. but when I am old :p
7. I am an early up / late night person. I don’t need much sleep. But I can sleep for a really long time if needed ;D
8. I actually hate to travel.. much more prefer to stay home in my apartment and doing nothing 🙁
9. While doing this I have been playing World of Warcraft, so had some pretty big breaks between each fact
10. I have been told I am really good at giving presents, maybe because I put a lot of thought into it 😀
11. I looove fun action movies.
12. I hate my neighbors
13. I would love to have a bathtub when I move into a real house some day
14. I miss being younger, miss the teen days
15. Did anyone actually read all this?
16. I have been into death metal/rap/hiphop when I was younger.. including the clothes involved in liking that music 😛
17. I have my tongue pierced and still have something in it. Had my nose pierced, just a whole there now. And I have each ear pierced on the earlobes and 2 more on the right ear at the top. Nothing in them though.
18. I hate doing makeup actually and prefer to not use any. So when I am not working I rarely have makeup on
19. I started on this post today at 9.30 in the evening..
20. Its now 2.59… So goodnight 😉

I wont tag anyone since most have done it already. BUT if you haven’t done any of these feel free to see yourself as being tagged and receiving all these hot awards 😉

I still have a tag from Anne to do but I will do that tomorrow 😉 Got the pictures ready and all ;D

Before/After Helmer's arrival


Order! 😀

But I surely don’t wanna assemble more of these anytime soon.. requires a lot of bending with a screwdriver and I broke 3 nails doing this 🙁 Next time I have to make sure my boyfriend is home 😛

Orly – Lemonade, Pixy Stix and Snowcone *Updated*

I recently received half of the Orly Sweet collection* and I really like them. Pastel colors seems to go very well with my skintone. Lemonade and Snowcone needed 2 coats for coverage and Pixy Stix needed 3. I hope I can reswatch these when we get some sun again, so sorry for the bad pics..

Lemonade, I am not much of a yellow polish girl but this one may have hit the nail. I can see my self with this when summer comes around.. Maybe just on the toes but still! 😛

Snowcone and a rare pic of my right hand(yes I have one!) VERY nice light blue color, really like this one. (yikes on the cuticles, winter is hard on the skin)

Pixy Stix, lovely light pink color. But a bit sheer on the first coat. Updated with a pic taken inside with a normal office lamp

*Collection was sent to me from the manufacturer.

And I am sorry for MIA these last couple of days, just needed some time off 😉 And I don’t think I will be back in full gear again before next week. Oh and have seen I have been tagged and I will do them 😉