Wohoo I'm not old!

Well at least not old enough to not hear this teenager sound! The test will produce a tone that is generally only heard by people under the age of 25. It has been used as a deterrent device to keep teenagers from loitering in malls and shops, and sounds similar to a buzzing mosquito. The elderly and people with hearing damage often cannot hear the sound. Nice to know I am not that old 😛 Click on the box and get your youth back haha 😀

The Teenager Audio Test - Can you hear this sound?

Hope you are having a nice day out there on the interwebs! 🙂

Oh noes!

I sinned! I shopped! But only for some necessities! I was out of mascara and at the pharmacy I saw this cuticle creme so had to get it, cause of the extra dry skin right now. And for the polishes… its not even for me! Its for you! Someone out there can win this. I plan on doing a giveaway when I reach 200 followers here on the blog 🙂 So if any of you are reading here, but haven’t signed up through the Google Friend connect thingy in the side, now is a great time for doing just so 🙂

I made the picture black and white on purpose so the colors of the polishes would be a surprise for when I announce the giveaway 😛 And of course since I can see most of you like creme polishes I got just the opposite ;D Nah I think you will like these 😀

Thank you for reading 🙂

Mate a movie!

I’m sick so in random boredomness I fell over this site. It’s called Mate a movie and the concept is mate two or more movies, combined to make one much funnier movie. Think there are some great entries 😀 Maybe a bit overload on the Avatar side 😛 I still plan to do some polish stuff this week just waiting to feel a bit better and hoping to get some sun also.. This winter is beginning to be very annoying, slse I will have to get some old pictures out 🙁

Paradise Hotel 2010

Sorry for danish readers only 😛

Der er et par stykker der efterspurgt links til hvor man kan se Paradise Hotel sæson 6 gratis på nettet og indtil videre har jeg kun fundet det lagt på youtube.

Så det kan ses her, men hvis den kanal bliver slettet så prøv at søg på Paradise Hotel S6 E1-4 eller hvad for et afsnit du nu vil kigge 🙂 I øvrigt er det allerede en rocker fed sæson! Hende Amalie er da helt blank 😀

Edit* De ligger desværre ikke flere op/resten er slettet.  Så det eneste sted man kan se det online nu er vist viasatondemand.dk hvor man skal betale for det 🙁