Status on the 1st week of my no buy

Since the 26th I have been on a no buy, so its a week and 1 day of no shopping. And must say its been really easy. Lots of times I have seen something and was about to click me on to the website or webshop. But then I just thought.. hm do I really need that color/t-shirt/bag? And closed down the window again. So there haven’t been that OMG I MUST HAVE feeling over anything yet. But I am definitely sure it will come. A lot of new collections is coming out now and there will be some of them I am just gonna have the urge to get. I had a strange feeling though.. looking at some of the new stuff thats out now.. None of them have really blown me away. I was sitting looking at the new OPI Hong Kong collection and I was not really feeling any of the colors like I need it 🙁 Could I be at a point where I don’t need any more colors? Is that possible? I mean I don’t have a big collection or anything, but I saw on someones blog lined up 6 almost identically colored greens and thought do I really need that? Could I be fed up at the moment with polishes? I didn’t think that it would be something I could think.. but well to look at the bright side.. this will make my no buy a lot easier. 🙂

Going home from work in the snow last night.. Truck that’s stuck and cant turn right uphill, ended up going around it

This road is usually all cleared of snow because its a big road with heavy traffic. But not this evening 🙁 Oh and the heavy traffic is always over when I get off work 😉 Yay for working 12 hour shifts 😛

Hope I haven’t offended anyone that have 6 identically green colored polishes or any other colors for that matter 😛
Have a nice evening and thanks for reading 🙂

Hey you wanna link?

Would love to update my blogroll, so if you want me to link to you, write a comment and I will add you to my blogroll. Only demand I have, is that you will give a link back to  me 😉

Best blog award!

I was tagged/nominated by the ever so lovely Babbling Brooke with the best blog award 😀 And must agree with Brooke I love all the ladies in the nailblogger community, really some one of a kind people outthere, I think you have to be with a hobby like this 😛

The rules of this award are as follows:

1. To accept the award, you must post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted you the award, and a link to their blog.
2. Pass the award on to approximately 10-15 other blogs that you recently discovered, and think are great!
3. Contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

So I have covered no. 1 😛

The second one is going to be mighty trixy. I have mentioned before I read a lot of blogs 🙁 and it sometimes gets really overwhelming. Everyday when I log on to google reader I have around some 800 posts to go though. At the moment I have 529 subscriptions in the reader.. Danish/foreign fashion blogs, nailblogs and such, so at the same time I can give a little apology for not commenting as often as I would like, I am trying to trim it down a bit but I have no idea who not to read.. I love all the blogs I found 🙁 So the thing about passing it on to blogs that I recently discovered is down right impossible since I cant remember which is new or which is old, feels like I havebeen following them all since the beginning. But I will give it a little try then and give it to some of the newly discovered blogs through the Polish Blogger Network 🙂

Number 3 I think I will cover when I get this posted 😛 Easier that way to click the links haha ;D


Okay so I got tagged with some different awards and all of them are basically the same in the sense that I have to list random stuff about me. And since that I am terrible at these random facts I will do them all together, so it’s not that I am not that I am not grateful for getting it I just suck at the facts 🙁

On to the tags: The Haute Mess tag and Beautiful Blogger tag by glidedangel from Naive Nails, then I got the Happy 101 Tag by Nicole from Magic Maid and then the Kreativ Blogger by Vibeke at Discountliv & Luksusdrømme

Rules for the awards is I have to say 7 interesting stuff about myself and then tag 7 people to do the same with the 2 first awards and then list 10 things about me for the Happy award and 7 more for the Kreativ blogger, so gonna do 20 in all, then it should be covered 😛

1. Okay I am stuck at my first fact.. Yus I am that boring apparently 🙁 (can’t I just link to my last fact something tag)
2. Erhm I like Timbaland’s new album
3. I read a lot of books. I really like chick lit and mysteries. Would love to join a bookclub so I maybe felt a meaning with reading all the books 😛
4. Hmm my favorite drink is Pina Colada
5. see now I am stuck again 🙁 hmm… I like green tea gum!
6. I stopped smoking 2 years ago.. But I am pretty sure I will start again some day.. no right now.. but when I am old :p
7. I am an early up / late night person. I don’t need much sleep. But I can sleep for a really long time if needed ;D
8. I actually hate to travel.. much more prefer to stay home in my apartment and doing nothing 🙁
9. While doing this I have been playing World of Warcraft, so had some pretty big breaks between each fact
10. I have been told I am really good at giving presents, maybe because I put a lot of thought into it 😀
11. I looove fun action movies.
12. I hate my neighbors
13. I would love to have a bathtub when I move into a real house some day
14. I miss being younger, miss the teen days
15. Did anyone actually read all this?
16. I have been into death metal/rap/hiphop when I was younger.. including the clothes involved in liking that music 😛
17. I have my tongue pierced and still have something in it. Had my nose pierced, just a whole there now. And I have each ear pierced on the earlobes and 2 more on the right ear at the top. Nothing in them though.
18. I hate doing makeup actually and prefer to not use any. So when I am not working I rarely have makeup on
19. I started on this post today at 9.30 in the evening..
20. Its now 2.59… So goodnight 😉

I wont tag anyone since most have done it already. BUT if you haven’t done any of these feel free to see yourself as being tagged and receiving all these hot awards 😉

I still have a tag from Anne to do but I will do that tomorrow 😉 Got the pictures ready and all ;D