My favourite mobile brand is Sony Ericsson and I tend to keep up with what they put on the market.. You might remember my post about the new phone im getting and I’m so looking forward to getting that.. But then they put this on the market… I think they are making a big mistake.. in a time where all people want a touch screen they are making a phone that looks like something from the 90es.. This phone seem to be aimed at women from the age 16-28 and I am in no doubt on of these and I would never ever buy this…. Would you?
OPI meets Dell!
Nu ved jeg hvorfor jeg har anbefalet min mor at købe en Dell laptop! OPI har i samarbejde med Dell farvelagt et par af deres nye compturere og hold op hvor ville jeg gerne eje sådan en!
Now I know why I recommended my mum to buy a Dell laptop! OPI have partnered up with Dell to make some very colourful laptops and damn i want to own one!