Polish database
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I was getting tired of not knowing which polish I have. It came to a point where i just cant remember it anymore 😛 So made an excel database with them all in. I have some more columns where it says if its glimmer, cream, metallic and etc. And another for NOTD on this blog. So I can keep somewhat track of it. I still know the name of the polish in the head no doubts there 😛 but cant always remember some of the other stuff. So this is nice and I use it often when I need to find a polish real quickly, and it’s really effective if I need to find a certain color then I can see all of them I have instead of have to look through my bags with the polish in.. And that takes a good time if the one I’m looking for is in the bottom 😛 In the future I’m gonna put some direct links from the database to the blog so I don’t even need to search it 😀 Lazy? Oh yes! 😀
Any questions? Don’t even hesitate to ask 🙂
Any questions? Don’t even hesitate to ask 🙂
Realistic 3D art
What if….
..instead of me choosing whatever color I’m in the mood for to take on my NOTD’s, how about I made it so you out there get to decide what I should post a picture of.
I have imagined it would be something like this:
I put up two colors for suggestion and you vote for which to see.
The poll will be up for 2-3 days and then my next NOTD is the color you chose 🙂
So every 2-3 days a new poll would be up and the pictures of the “winner” would come up during that day or the next. So in stead of having NOTD’s every now and so often when i feel like it. It would become pretty regular with a new picture every 2-3 days 🙂
Anyone up for that? Please write your thoughts about it and maybe even if you have any suggestions or improvements of my idea? 😀
Decoupage and some pictures.. I think I’m gonna use it for presents for Christmas. But not sure yet 😛