See all of the shop here

Not saying anything…. the pictures speaks for them selves ;D <-
Nu ved jeg hvorfor jeg har anbefalet min mor at købe en Dell laptop! OPI har i samarbejde med Dell farvelagt et par af deres nye compturere og hold op hvor ville jeg gerne eje sådan en!
Now I know why I recommended my mum to buy a Dell laptop! OPI have partnered up with Dell to make some very colourful laptops and damn i want to own one!
Ow joy I can turn on my old editor again 😀 Wheee
Well this is not what this post is about.. I have been tagged 4 times to be exact by the lovely ladies Ayd, PingGinger, BeautyJudy and Kellie. So I did my best in finding stuff that have the color they chose 🙂
Well guess that was it… I pick… the colour… PINK cause its October and that’s breast cancer awareness month.. So i pass this on to some of the danish blogs i read 🙂
Miss Echoes
Frk. Nør
og hvis hun får tid til at blogge igen 😛 Linda
This will be in english so all can understand it ;D
Im having a giveaway to celebrate my first 50 followers.. i know i have more now, but i began to think about this when i hit 50 😛 so i guess thats okay.. well it have to be since im the boss on this blog ;D
Better pictures up 🙂 but no swatches ofc 😛 Unless you absolutely want me to ;D
Edit: I’ve put one more polish on the line, cause after seeing some pics of it on the nails it isnt really me, so if you have already put down your vote and want to change it just make a new comment 🙂
I will be giving these 3 away ( if you want to google them and take a closer look)
Barry M – 216 – Silver Cascade
Barry M – 285 – Aqua Green
Barry M – 280 – Violet Gold Shimmer
There will be 3 winners… 1 polish for each winner
This is open to all people in the whole wide world (i dont want no comment on this from Judy… ok? :P)
Rules are simple
If you want a chance on a extra entries, blog about this or make a tweet 😉 write me a comment if you have done this.
Winner will be chosen in a very creative way… just have to figure one out 😛 (but it will be randomly ofc)
Last chance for joining is September 30th midnight CET… (i think its called) sry i dont know when it is in the states and other parts of the world 🙁
Hope to see alot of entries and spread the word if you want to 🙂
And thanks again for reading my silly blog ;D