New stuff :D

First this months “nailmail”. Since I didn’t order any of the Barrielle at, I took the chance to order some Hot Topic Polishes when Karin offered her blogreaders to order some of those 🙂 And then I bought some new books(a crimestory and a chicklit) and a recipe book… Erhm I don’t really cook, but when I do it on a rare occasion I have a few recipes. So I thought this was a good opportunity to start my own little collection 😀

And then I got some packages yesterday, first up the sunglasses! I love them both! So cool 😀

Other package was the shoes I ordered. The other pair in my order was unfortunately sold out 🙁 So I only got these ones.
But it’s okay… 😛

And that’s the last new stuff I am going to buy in a long time. Tomorrow we are going to the bank to see if we can borrow a bunch of money to buy a house.. so cross your fingers out there 😉 Sorry if this post looks messed up in your reader/e-mail. Couldn’t get the pictures where I wanted them 🙁 Thanks for reading/looking 😀 Hope you all have a nice day 🙂

Orly @

Hi there! If you live in Scandinavia and you are just as crazy about nail polish as me, you can join a club, where polishes will be sent straight to your door every month! The polishes chosen are mostly brands that is not that easy to come about in Scandinavia and the prices are always reasonable and the customer service is great! So with out much further ado I present this months nailpolish from which are from Orly. You can choose from the following collections:

I don’t know if you remember but I have tried some of these already. See these links for Sweet collection and Bloom collection. So I think I am getting some of those I need from the collections and going for Blushing Bud from Bloom and Cotton Candy from Sweet and then Iron Butterfly from the Metal Chic collection. You can also order some of Orly’s treatments, like Wont Chip, Bonder or any of the other they have. I can really recommend Sec’n Dry, I made a post here about it 🙂 And remember if you mention my customer no. which is 147 you can get 10% discount on your first month in this fabulous exclusive club for us Scandinavians 😉 Be sure to join head over to and check for further details and prices  🙂

Nailmail: Nubar.. Sidste udkald mandag!

I næste måned er det Nubar og der er tilbud pga. der fejres 1 års fødselsdag. Hvis der er nogen der vil hoppe med på vognen skal man tilmelde sig inden på mandag. Hvis man vil være med og samtidig vil spare lidt penge kan man opgi mit kundenr. 147 så får man 10% rabat og sådan vil det også være hvis du melder dig ind og få andre til at melde sig ind. 20% ved 2 personer osv. Der er mulighed for at bestille på kryds og tværs af 4 kollektioner.

Læs meget mere om tilbuddet her og spørg endelig hvis det er der er nogen spørgsmål. Skal gerne oversætte hvis der er brug for det 😉

Personligt holder jeg mig til 3 lakke i den her ombæring og det bliver classy 🙂

Orly – Once Upon A Time at

Billedet er lånt hos

I denne måned dvs november(man modtager i starten af december) kan man vælge fra denne skønne serie fra Orly. Mine personlige favoritter er Pixie Dust og Poison Apple. Jeg skal desværre ikke i denne måned have nogen lakke, da jeg simpelthen lige må gå i shoppestop til den sk*de bilforsikring er betalt. Men nu har jeg også lige fået et ordentlig læs lakke så det er ikke fordi jeg ik har nok at tage af 🙂 Som altid hvis du har lyst til at melde dig til kan du gøre det HER 🙂 Hvis du opgiver mit kunde nr. 147 får du som altid 10% rabat på den første sending 😉 Og hvis der er nogen spørgsmål så spørg endelig 😀

This months nailmail

De nye lakke – The new polishes
and bonus eye pigment from Queens & Shadows

A bit late, but i have been at work… but here they are 🙂 And yes i have polish stains of my coffee table :p Cant wait to show you some swatches 😀 And I got a replacement for my broken Zoya from last month 😀 Yay!