
I like…

I spotted this over at Nicholaine blog and I feel a bit lot bored so I thought I would do this 😉

  • Flower: I am going for the rose
  • Food: A sandwich of a local pizzeria.. Chicken/bacon and the best curry sauce ever!
  • Books: Mysteries or chicklit.
  • Clothes: I love to wear sweat pants, yes I am white trash 😛
  • Shoes: I own 2 pairs of Adidas Superstar, 1 in black and 1 in white and 1 pair of black kawasaki’s. I usually wear the white Adidas.
  • Baked goods/pastry: I don’t cook my self but I love home made buns.. I think they are called that 😛
  • Vegetable: Uhm carrots
  • Fruit: Apples – Golden Delicious .
  • Movie: This is a really tough one since I don’t have a favourite movie, but I saw It’s Complicated last night and I really liked it 🙂
  • Tea or coffee: Dont touch coffee so that’s an easy one.. And I really like Green tea 😉
  • Magazine: Elle, Bazar and my favourite was Cosmopolitan when it still was here in Denmark
  • Beach-, skiing or big city vacation: Would love to go to some of the bigger cities in Europe and USA.. Tried the skiing and it wasn’t for me and beach you can always go to 😛
  • Beer or wine: I love beer but I started to drink wine a bit more now when I can instead of the beer. Especially like a good white wine 🙂
  • Sport: Football.. and I don’t mean that sissy American football! I am talking real football where you kick a ball 😛

Feel free to see your self tagged if I have you read this and do link back in the comments if you do it 😉

Tagged: Show me your fridge!

Anne tagged me last week in this little game floating around, so better go do it 😉 Rules is a take picture of your refrigerator and then choose a thing on it and tell the story behind it and the tag 3 people to do the same.
We use two of the sides of the fridge, so had to show both sides 😛

Well the front first…

and one of the sides… we could actually use both.. but we don’t 😛

And then for a thing I have chosen and the story behind.
Well I cant live without my wall calendar so that’s the chosen thing! Its been updated since the bottom picture as you can see on the top a lot more is on it. I like to be organized, but I think its more I wanna be rather than I am 😛 I love fridge magnets and I always wish them for birthdays and Christmas, but I never get any 🙁 so all the magnets I own are something I bought my self. And of course I have a sheep 😉

I would love to see a huuuuge americans fridge so I tag

Nicole from Magic Maid I hope you have one those then 😛

and some of the European girls so that will have to be

Nihrida from Nihrida’s blog


Miss AllYouDesire


Okay so I got tagged with some different awards and all of them are basically the same in the sense that I have to list random stuff about me. And since that I am terrible at these random facts I will do them all together, so it’s not that I am not that I am not grateful for getting it I just suck at the facts 🙁

On to the tags: The Haute Mess tag and Beautiful Blogger tag by glidedangel from Naive Nails, then I got the Happy 101 Tag by Nicole from Magic Maid and then the Kreativ Blogger by Vibeke at Discountliv & Luksusdrømme

Rules for the awards is I have to say 7 interesting stuff about myself and then tag 7 people to do the same with the 2 first awards and then list 10 things about me for the Happy award and 7 more for the Kreativ blogger, so gonna do 20 in all, then it should be covered 😛

1. Okay I am stuck at my first fact.. Yus I am that boring apparently 🙁 (can’t I just link to my last fact something tag)
2. Erhm I like Timbaland’s new album
3. I read a lot of books. I really like chick lit and mysteries. Would love to join a bookclub so I maybe felt a meaning with reading all the books 😛
4. Hmm my favorite drink is Pina Colada
5. see now I am stuck again 🙁 hmm… I like green tea gum!
6. I stopped smoking 2 years ago.. But I am pretty sure I will start again some day.. no right now.. but when I am old :p
7. I am an early up / late night person. I don’t need much sleep. But I can sleep for a really long time if needed ;D
8. I actually hate to travel.. much more prefer to stay home in my apartment and doing nothing 🙁
9. While doing this I have been playing World of Warcraft, so had some pretty big breaks between each fact
10. I have been told I am really good at giving presents, maybe because I put a lot of thought into it 😀
11. I looove fun action movies.
12. I hate my neighbors
13. I would love to have a bathtub when I move into a real house some day
14. I miss being younger, miss the teen days
15. Did anyone actually read all this?
16. I have been into death metal/rap/hiphop when I was younger.. including the clothes involved in liking that music 😛
17. I have my tongue pierced and still have something in it. Had my nose pierced, just a whole there now. And I have each ear pierced on the earlobes and 2 more on the right ear at the top. Nothing in them though.
18. I hate doing makeup actually and prefer to not use any. So when I am not working I rarely have makeup on
19. I started on this post today at 9.30 in the evening..
20. Its now 2.59… So goodnight 😉

I wont tag anyone since most have done it already. BUT if you haven’t done any of these feel free to see yourself as being tagged and receiving all these hot awards 😉

I still have a tag from Anne to do but I will do that tomorrow 😉 Got the pictures ready and all ;D


Jeg er blevet tagget af Susie og af Echoes i en lille blogleg 😀 Så tar da gerne udfordringerne op 🙂I was tagged by some lovely ladies Susie and Echoes in a little bloggame 😀 So I am taking on the challenge! 🙂

3 ting som jeg husker, som var det i går / 3 thing I remember like it was yesterday

1. Da jeg satte ild til en busk i vores have som 8 årig / I set a bush on fire in our garden when I was 8 years old
2. Min første weekend med min kæreste / first weekend I spent with my boyfriend
3. Da min oldemor døde / When my great grandmother passed away

3 ting jeg ikke kan lide / 3 things I dont like
1. Folk der er falske / People that are fake
2. Grimme/lange tæer / Ugly/long toes
3. Gøre rent / cleaning

3 ting jeg godt kan lide / 3 things I like
1. COLA!

2. Lave ingenting / doing nothing
3. Tomatsuppe / Tomatosoup

3 blogs jeg besøger dagligt / 3 blogs I visit daily
Hmm ja siden jeg ikke direkte har links til nogen blogs og kigger i Google reader og læser de nye indlæg når de er der, så er det meget svært at sige. Men nogen af min yndlingsblog er,,,,, og en masse andre. /
This is a hard one since I don’t visit any blogs directly, but look at new posts through Google Reader so it would be hard to tell which I visit the most. But some of my favorite blogs are,,,,, and a bunch of others.

3 sange jeg hører for tiden / 3 songs I hear right now




3 tv-programmer jeg følger med i / 3 tv-programmes I follow

1. How I Met Your Mother
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Americas Next Top Model

3 bloggere jeg udfordrer: / 3 bloggers I challenge

5 guys I used to fancy..

En lille blogleg der florerer lige nu er 5 kendte som man har haft et crush på da man var yngre eller stadig har 😉 Så here we go i ikke nærmere specificeret rækkefølge.. eller Tomas er nok nr. 1!


A tag that’s floating around in the danish blog community is this one. 5 guys I used to fancy when I was younger or maybe still have the hots for 😉 So here we go in no particular order!

1. Tomas Villum Jensen(ham med det lyse hår/the blond guy)
Her fra filmen Drengene fra Sankt Petri, hvor mit crush nok stammer fra.
This is a danish guy that you non-danish readers probably don’t know so wont get into the details 😛
2. Edward Furlong
John Connor from The Terminator and Danny Vinyard in American History X3. Justin Timberlake
That crush was replaced by Cristiano Ronaldo 😛 well still think Justin is kinda hot 😛

4. Mark Paul-Gosselar
From Saved by the bell, then and now shot
5. Brendan Fehr
From Roswell
So I will tag some of the non-danish bloggers to spread the tag to the rest of the world ;D
Evil Angel
Hope you will play along ;D