essie hos

Så lige hos Presenting tøserne at har Essie lakke til ok billige priser. Tror ikke det bliver billigere på dansk jord i hvert fald 🙂 Jeg skal på et eller andet tidspunkt nok benytte mig af at kunne købe hos dem.. Bliver bare ikke lige nu da jeg stadig sparer 🙁 Æv æv.. Nå men var bare lige til et tip til dem der måske ikke lige læser med hos dem 🙂 Klik på billedet for at komme til indlægget. I øvrigt også nogen rigtig flotte lakke de har på 😀

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A danish webshop have essie polishes now! Yay just what we needed! 😀


Vinderne blev Natascha og Katrine! Tillykke! 😀
Jeg sender en email afsted med koderne i og så håber jeg at i finder en god film at se derinde 🙂

The winners of the vouchers 🙂

Polish Bloggers Network: Lacquer Link Love 4/2/10

The Dutch Nail Blog is hosting a Surprise Puppy Giveaway! Why Puppies? You can win a number Catrice polishes from the new collection depending on how many puppies are born! Open to international followers.

Helen at Just Nice Things showcases an all-time classic nail varnish from OPI’s Russian Collection.

How unique is NARS Purple Rain? The Swatchaholic calms the Purple Rain lemming with a comparison to a great dupe.

Sasha at Manicure Mommas does China Glaze Poolside Skittles.

Babbling Brooke took a walk through nature with SpaRitual. Check out her swatches of the newest collection: Believe.

Travels With Euridice shows us Barielle’s A Bouquet for Ava, a beautiful blue!

Changes + new links!

I decided to change my current theme because I had some issues with pictures. So I want to give this one a try 🙂

As I mentioned after my giveaway quite a lot have asked to be put on my blogroll, but sadly didn’t leave a link for their site so I am going to do another link swap post 🙂 Only thing I ask is for you to link back to me 😉 And I will go through my blogroll as well to check for any broken links/dead blogs etc. So leave a comment with your link 🙂


I årevis har LOréal Research arbejdet målrettet for at kunne introducere en permanent hårfarveserie uden ammoniak. Med INOA bliver drømmen til virkelighed. Klik på billedet for at se en introduktion til INOA 🙂

For years LOréal Research have been working to introduce a permanent hair color without ammonia. With INOA the dream has come true 😀 Click on the picture to see a little introduction. This is a new product here in DK, but the commercial is on English 🙂