This is one of the infamous NfuOh’s, it seems to be quite a lemming in the nail community. And I understand why 😛 I bought them a while ago but haven’t really had time to try them on other than a quick swatch on each finger. So here is a quick post with the first of them.This is the original color, I haven’t used a base color. So this is how it actually looks 🙂 I have seen a lot of pictures with a black as a base and that looks great to, I mean flakies can make anything look good! 😀
For those of you not familiar with this polish I took some pictures of the bottle 🙂 As you can see its shaped like a dress, I think its absolutely gorgoues and the best idea for a polish ever 🙂 Nfuoh’s slogan is: “When NfuOh began All of the worlds nailart trend was changed” And who is to argue with them? 😛 NfuOh’s own blog can be found here and I bought mine at