Nfu-Oh's + boobs

So I got home from work today and there was a package waiting.. because of a certain someone had mentioned on twitter that it was available again I ordered them at once.. I can wait to get them tried and getting some pictures of them 😀 but I am still waiting for my new phone to arrive, so have to be patient 🙁

I showed them to my boyfriend and said
“Oh look at the gorgeous colors changing in the light”
He replies
“I can see boobs”
Guess some people just dont appreciate nice colors when wrapped in a set of boobs 😛

Happy New Years 2009!

China Glaze – OMG
China Glaze – Strawberry Fields for the little flower thingys

Undskylder meget at jeg har været så stille, men har haft noget med mit øje og det har gjort så jeg ikke kunne have linser i mit venstre øje så eftersom jeg er meget nærsynet har jeg bare været henslængt på sofaen og “set” Friends hele dagen lang 😀 I aften skal jeg hjem til svigerfamilien og spise raclette stads og måske videre til hen til nogen venner bagefter. Jeg skal føre bil så tvivler på jeg skal drikke noget.. Det passer mig egentlig også fint da jeg ikke har så meget lyst til at drikke i aften 🙂 Godt nytår til dig og pas på dig selv og dem omkring dig i aften 🙂 Ses i 2010

Sorry for my afk’ness but the two last days I’ve had something with my eye and couldn’t have my lense in the left eye since I am pretty nearsighted so I was on the couch all day long and “watched” Friends episodes 😀 Tonight I am going home to my boyfriends parents to eat and later we are maybe going home to some friends. Either way I am driving to night so I am not drinking anything, suits me fine, dont really wanna drink to night 🙂 Happy new year to you and take care of your self and those around you to night 🙂
See you in 2010
The mani btw is done reaallly fast so its not as good as I had hoped.. but better than nothing 😛

New Essies!

Essie er kommet med lidt inspiration til Nytårsaften 🙂 Jeg ved helt sikkert hvad jeg skal have på neglene, har du besluttet dig?

Essie have some inspiration for New Years eve 🙂 I know what I am wearing, do you?