Elfster package!

So I finally received my secret santa elfster package and it was from sweet Grace! I was so afraid it was lost in the mail cause it took a good while for it to get here. But its here now and she send me just what I wished for! 😀

The sweetest little bag I’ve ever seen! So cute! 😀

I received Art Deco polish, China Glaze LOL and Temptation Carnation and last but not least OMG… Wow I’m soooo happy to have gotten 2 of my favorites from the OMG collection. So now I have 3!! Never thought I would even get just one of them 😀 And then the Temptation Carnation looks so nice, really love the pearly nude color. I’m really satisfied with this ;D And now I have a nail art polish so I must begin to think about what kind of nail art I can do 😀 Whee thanks so much Grace! Really nice secret Santa I had 😀 <3


Got my secret santa package today!!! Will show the content later :DD

5. December

Indtil jeg får mig sat ved computeren derhjemme og får overført mine billeder så må vi nøjes med billeder fra rundt omkring i verden. Så fra en storby til en anden. Denne her gang er vi i Frankrig. Så du burde jo have gættet det nu. Eiffeltårnet dekoreret med julelys. Det er et imponerende skue. Det er helt sikkert ;D


Until I get my cable for my camera up you will have to do with lights from around the world. So from one big city to another. This time we are in France.. Guess you have guessed it by now. The Eiffel tower decorated for Christmas. Its an impressive sight, that’s for sure ;D

Coco avant Chanel

Så denne skønne film her til aften og kan da kun anbefale den hvis du vil vide lidt mere om personen bag Chanel 😀 Audrey Tautou er nu engang en helt fantastisk skuespillerinde. Rart at se hende igen 😀

Just saw this lovely movie tonight and can only recommend to see it if you want to know a bit more about the person behind Chanel 😀 Audrey Tautou is one amazing actress if you ask me 😉