Just made a NOTD before midnight 😛 I’m sorry for the idle here on the blog. But I’m at work.. so haven’t had the time 🙂 I have this shift and tomorrow and then I have about 2 weeks off.. Soooo looking forward to it ;D Hope you all had/have a nice day. Oh and about the nailpolish.. hehe… I love this one.. So nice and bright.. oh and neon ofc 😛 And with essie as always easy application and good coverage. Though it had to have some layers. But I think thats pretty normal with a neon.. Oh and its matte to 🙂
NOTD // OPI – Gargantuan Green Grape Matte
So here is the first of my new mattes from OPI. They are not as long lasting as normal polishes but they do write that on the bottle. And you have to follow some directions when applying it and normal wear. It is perfect for me since I change polish almost ever day I cant really see any chipping before i remove it again. Reason for not showing thumb and the index finger?(the pointing one :P) is that they are still to short. So i tried keeping it to the longer nails 😛
Edit: Btw I’m sorry for the really boring pictures. There wasn’t any sunshine at my work or any good light actually. So had to be this. Think I’m gonna take new pictures for them all this week, this is to boring to look at that’s for sure 😛
This months nailmail
A bit late, but i have been at work… but here they are 🙂 And yes i have polish stains of my coffee table :p Cant wait to show you some swatches 😀 And I got a replacement for my broken Zoya from last month 😀 Yay!
Hov det er jo søndag…
..og har ik givet en lyd fra mig 🙁 Det er ikke engang fordi jeg har lavet noget.. fordi jeg har ikke været hverken i byen eller lign. Har været herhjemme på standby hvis mit job ringer 🙁 Så igår kørte jeg min kæreste til noget opvarmning inden de sku i byen og så kørte jeg forbi McD og fik en McFlurry og så lagde jeg mig ellers hjem på sofaen og så lidt tv og senere spillede jeg lige lidt computer også.
Nå men smider lidt negle på så det ik blir alt for kedeligt 😛 Jeg har lige haft denne på bloggen men har puttet mat lak over. Synes den er noget så fin 😉 Øverste billede er med alm. topcoat og de 4 nederste er med mat topcoat. Det er svært at se forskellen når billedet er med lys og blitz endda. Men IRL er der stor forskel 🙂 Har brugt Orly Mat Top Coat. Lak er Depend – 164