19. December

Den her er de fleste danskere nok klar over står inde i KBH 🙂 Fik et billede af den igår da jeg var inde i cirkusbygningen, Meget imponerende at se om aftenen 😀


This is located in Copenhagen right next to the building where I was at a Christmas party last night. So thought I would get a picture, its a pretty impressive sight 😀

NOTD // China Glaze – QT

The headline could actually be something completely different(something bad), because when I finally had to take pictures of this beauty.. The sun is covered behind clouds… So the holo effect wont be as nice as it could be.. DAMN YOU WINTER YOU ATE MY SUN *shakes fist* So I tried capturing it the best I could manage with only a camera flash available. So the pictures is made in a collage instead of the normal picture series. Just to try something else, so just click the picture and you will see a much(verymuch) bigger version 🙂 Oh and its on purpose that I holding a purple bottle instead of the QT 😛 Enough with the small talk.. I just LOVE this polish, this is my first real holo and I am just amazed about the cool effect it has. It has so many colors when its moved around in the light. Hope that I can expand my OMG collection at some point because that is definitely my favorite so far. I had some small problems applying it when I tried it with my new ridge filling basecoat from Seche Vite.. Apperently it doesn’t like to have more than one layer before its a bit dried up. So the application took a bit longer when using that. But in all a great manicure that I’m certainly gonna be using a lot 😀