Trying again..

my last ballerina shoe-buy turned out to not be as good as I had hoped… I can fit the shoes yes.. But I doubt I can walk in them since I think they will bend kinda weird.. eh well cant explain it 😛  Anyways now I found a UK site that have a correct size. So this time better be the last 😛 Oh and btw. if you wanna buy those shoes from the last ballerina shopping spree please don’t hesitate to contact me 🙂 I have only tried them, never walked in them 🙂

I bought these at

Barry M – Lemon Ice Cream

Hmm this one doesn’t really do anything for me.. I don’t think I am yellow colored kinda girl.. and it needed a lot of coats before it wasn’t sheer anymore. So this will go into a pretty swap pile I think 😛 The pictures also makes it look a lot less pastel then it really is.. So this picture is not as accurate as I had hoped 🙁 The bottle color is more the color it has irl 🙂

Barry M – Berry Ice Cream

I looove this one..  so delicate and pretty.. This is going to be used a lot this summer. That is for sure 🙂 Pastels are really growing to me 😀 Well a purple pastel is almost a dream for me.. Maybe a pastel purple holo is my ultimate dream color ;D Now I will go and pick up my boyfriend and spend a evening with him before he leaves me for the next 4 days for his friends and their computers 😛 And I have work.. yay lucky me 😉 Thanks for looking/reading 😛

Barry M – Strawberry Ice Cream

First of my new Barry M polishes is Pale Pink.. it is impossible to capture on camera. It so pale compared to real color which is so much more pink that the pictures show. It’s almost looks more nude than pink. Its a bit sheer so had to put 2-3 coats on it.

Echos asked how it was compared to Mulberry Pink from Barry M and I don’t think they are similar at all 🙂 Mulberry Pink is more on the brownish side than pink. Again this picture do not show the accurate color for Pale Pink, its much more pink than this.

Thanks for looking, hope you have a great day. Will be swatching the other colors during the week 🙂

Giveaway winner!

The giveaway ended last night and had 204 entries that made 344 entries in all 🙂 Thanks so much for you kind words in the comments 🙂 A lot of you wrote you would like to be added to my blogroll but didnt include link to your blog, so I think I might need to do a new link swap post 🙂 And another thing.. I am amazed over all the people that have joined as follower. Had 180 when I started the giveaway and now I am up on 322.. So I might have to do another giveaway to celebrate 300 soon 😛

So enough chitchat.. and on to the winner 🙂 Watch the video!! 😀

Giveaway winner from Maria Jakobsen on Vimeo.

If you cant see it here on the site, click here to watch it