23, December

This one can be seen on the webcam and the one below is just random tree that looked nice with snow 😀

Dagens billede er et par timer gammelt og taget af en ven jeg kender i Sverige. Han bor i Luleå og da de har et webcam kørende hvor man kan se billedet af hovedgaden der er fyldt med julelys, så bad jeg ham om at tage et billede når han nu var nede i byen ;D Så det var han flink nok at gøre 🙂 TAK LAPP! Webcam kan ses her (hvis det kun viser noget hvidt er det fordi det er sneet til)


Today’s pictures is a couple of hours old and a friend of mine in Sweden took it. He lives in Luleå and since they have a webcam from the main street, where you can see a bunch of Christmas stuff I asked him to take a picture and he was nice enough to do it 🙂 THANKS LAPP! 🙂 Webcam can be seen here (if the picture is all white, it’s because it’s covered in snow)

22. December

To tired to do anything to night other than sleep… Had 5 hours last night and going up again in 7 hours to work… Yawn.. sorry for random google picture but thought it looked so cozy and nice 😀 Hope you all had a good start at the holidays 🙂 Hope I am a bit more inspired tomorrow <3

Random Barry M's

I am taking a holiday break with NOTD since my camera is kinda broken. The flash stopped working all of the sudden and since the sun isn’t really out during the day at the moment, I don’t wanna take on any polish for swatching when I am not sure I will get good enough lighting for the pictures. So hopefully when my new phone gets here, around new years I should get started on the NOTD again. Until then I will post some of the pics I that I haven’t shown before 🙂 Hope you will be patient and await my return ;D I will maybe try to do one if some sunlight comes my way during my christmasbreak or well new years break. Its really christmasbreak since I am working from the 22nd till the 25th 🙁 but new years eve is off and still have no idea what to do, but I am sure we will think of something 😛

Barry M – Orchid

Barry M – Tangerine
Barry M – Block Orange
Thanks for watching 🙂

21. December

Det her hus ligger i Ganløse her i Danmark. Man kan læse lidt mere om det her 🙂


This is a house here in Denmark, they went all out using 22000 led lights and have a FM sender so if you tune in to a specific radiostation when u drive by the house the music plays in beat to the lights ;D