9. December

En af mine venner er fotograf og han sendte mig to billeder jeg kunne bruge til min lille julekalender. Så her er et par lyskæder med et lidt andet touch over dem 😀 Fandt først ud af at det nederste billede faktisk har små hjerter i lysskæret. Ret sejt og det er lavet uden photoshop tricks! 😀


One of my friends is a photographer and he sent me two pictures I could use in my little Christmas calendar. So here is some Christmas lights with a bit different touch to them 😀 Just discovered that the bottom picture have a really cool effect on them. Little hearts! So cool and made without any photoshop tricks! 😀

Comparing Nudes!

Well not much to say the picture pretty much explains it self 😉
Click for a much bigger version and a closer look.
Thanks for watching 🙂