Tagged! 4 times!

I’m sorry I have been slacking on these, saw you tagged me but forgot all about them and then I just noticed I’ve put a star on them on my reader. So hope I’m not to late on “paying it forward” 😉
2x Kreativ blogger by KellieG and PolishPig
One Lovely Blog by Nihrida
15 blogs i read frequently tag by Naive Nails

First up is Kreativ Blogger and the rules are 7 Facts about me and then I’m supposed to tag 7 blogs with this 🙂 So I guess I’m supposed to give 14 facts and tag 14 blogs, but I think ill stick to the 7 😛

  1. I don’t drink coffee.. kinda ironic when I work night shifts and that I work in the IT business where coffee is something of a drug 😛 But I don’t like the smell.. and the taste is horrible 😛
  2. I have developed an addiction recently… to How I met your mother. Saw all seasons when I had my last week off.. eeeek what a lot of episodes.. but I liiiiiike them a lot!
  3. I quit smoking January 2008(i think, cant remember exactly what date) and I really enjoy not having that addiction any more. Thanks to my boyfriend saying that he didn’t want to live with me unless I didn’t smoke. Was a big push towards getting smoke free 🙂
  4. I got stuck at fact no. 4 🙁 and that’s a fact 😛
  5. I love coca cola
  6. I just wrote a letter to my self that I will receive on my 35th birthday
  7. I recently discovered that I’m pretty sure I have HSP… which explains a lot for me, was a relief 🙂

I tag Jordforbindelse(n), Echoes, 2300 Happiiiness, this is my chaos, Discountliv & Luksusdrømme, //by Nicholaine and Eventuelt & Måske with the Kreativ Blogger award (and ofc the next one to if you want to ;))

The next 2 tags are really similar. The rules for One Lovely Blog is: Place the image on your blog and the name of the person who gave you the award(with a link to his/hers blog) Tag another 15 blogs you discovered recently
And the rules for 15 blogs i read frequently is accept the award and tag 15 awesome blogs that you love to read!
I read a lot of blogs as some of you may know so this is going to be a really hard one. I have no idea which blog I just discovered recently and I read all the blogs I follow when they update because of my reader. So I don’t really know how to choose 🙁 I think I’m gonna stick to the ones I have on my blogroll… so all you lovely girls out there on the right I tagged YOU 😉


Klik på billedet for at se filmen

Se de sjove fraklip fra børnefondens nye reklamefilm med bla. Bent Fabricius-Bjerre i hovedrollen der prøver at få styr på den lille umulige pige.
Danish commercial for the Childrens Fond.. think you have to be danish to understand it 😛

2. December


Det her billede har jeg ikke selv taget. Det er fundet på google, men det er jo stadig rigtig skønt at kigge på. Jeg tog et billede i dag men har glemt kablet til mit kamera derhjemme og lige nu sidder jeg på job, så det må vente til en anden dag. Og i øvrigt står det helt lige i afstemningen om den næste NOTD så den fortsætter indtil i morgen. Så håber jeg der er fundet en vinder der 😛 I julens ånd har jeg lavet de små hjerter her røde i stedet for den sædvanlige lilla/lyserøde farve


I’m afraid I cant take credit for this one. Found it on Google, but its still nice 😛 I took a picture today but I forgot the cable to my camera at home so will have to wait with it to another day.
And the voting is tied on the next NOTD so guess I have to let it go on till tomorrow 😛 Oh and in the Christmas spirit I made the little hearts red instead of purple/pink color 😛

Essiiiiiie + prize

Nå men kæresten var jo nede og hente mine pakker og den ene var Beautybay.com som indeholdte lidt gaver til min kæreste, svigermor og lidt til mig selv 😉 Den anden var fra en blog giveaway som jeg vandt hos Pam fra Nail-E-Glance 😀 Nogen rigtig fine ting. Glæder mig især til at prøve det her teeth whitening strips fra Listerine. Siden jeg holdte op med at ryge for 2 år siden har jeg tænkt på at få bleget det sidste gule væk nemlig, så det er jo en god mulighed for at prøve her 😀 Fra beautybay.com var lakkene jeg fik fra Essie var Lollipop, Mint Candy Apple og Rock Candy fra deres vinter 09 kollektion, samt en 3-way lak og så ikke mindst Baby Cakes det er en som jeg har ville ha fingrene i for lang tid siden men kunne ikke finde den nogen steder.. Så røg jeg på beautybay og så var den der! 😀 så den glæder jeg mig meget til at prøve 🙂 Nå ja og så var min kæreste nede og få pengene tilbage for halskæden han gav mig, jeg kunne rigtig godt li den, men den hang fast i mit hår hele tiden 🙁 så nu har jeg et tilgodebevis derned til.. Så må vi se hvad jeg kan finde på i stedet 😀


So the boyfriend was down at the post office today and got my 2 packages that were waiting. One was from Beautybay.com with some presents for him and mom-in-law and something for me 😀 The other one was the prize from the giveaway that Pam at Nail-E-Glance had.. Huuge package 😀 And some very lovely stuff in there. Really looking forward to try the teeth whitening stuff since I considered doing something like this at a point after I quit smoking 2 years ago, so lets hope it will get them really nice 😀 Also had a Revlon polish that seems to be a really nude color, so cant wait to try that either 😀 And then there’s some stuff from elf and some lotions, really nice prize 😀 Thanks so much for the package Pam!
From beautybay.com i got the winter collection with Lollipop, Mint Candy Apple and Rock Candy. Only minis but still nice 😀 and a 3 way glaze. The lonesome cowboy polish at the right is Baby Cakes which is a polish I really had lemming for like a year… around that at least 😛 Havent been able to find it anywhere so when it showed up on beautybay.com it must have been a sign 😀 Really looking forward to trying it!
Oh and then my boyfriend was down and returned my necklace I got for our 3 years anniversary because it kept getting some of my hair stuck in it, so now i have some store credit so have to figure out on whats its gonna be used on 😀

Big box!
Thanks for the card 😀
Lots of goodies 🙂