Chanel Nouvelle Vague

Hello gorgeous! Så kom den! Chanel Nouvelle Vague! Endelig.. har også bare ventet noget nær en uge 😀 Det er lang tid når man venter på noget 😛 Den har fået 2 lag her og synes det er en heeeelt fantastisk farve, rigtig klar til sommeren, så bare kom an! Og det virker i øvrigt som om at sommeren er liige ved at være her 🙂 Var ude igår og i dag har jeg fået lidt solskoldning på min overlæbe… ihh.. nå men man må jo ikke brokke sig når solen endelig er kommet frem 🙂 Hav en vidunderlig fredag! Ja og weekend selvfølgelig.. Jeg skal så arbejde fra Lørdag til tirsdag 🙁 så hvis der ikke er noget nyt fra mig.. så er det derfor 🙂 God pinse!

Flash fra kamera

Sol lys

Weehuu I got it! Only costed !&#% on ebay 😀 What do you think? Is it this years Jade? 🙂

Wohoo I'm not old!

Well at least not old enough to not hear this teenager sound! The test will produce a tone that is generally only heard by people under the age of 25. It has been used as a deterrent device to keep teenagers from loitering in malls and shops, and sounds similar to a buzzing mosquito. The elderly and people with hearing damage often cannot hear the sound. Nice to know I am not that old 😛 Click on the box and get your youth back haha 😀

The Teenager Audio Test - Can you hear this sound?

Hope you are having a nice day out there on the interwebs! 🙂

Once upon a time

there was a book filled with polish swatches…

Every time I get a new polish I make a quick swatch in this little book just so I know how it looks 😀 This was btw. what I was doing when I was sick with my eye a month ago 😛 also an easy way to keep a hold on how many polishes I got since theres 5 swatches on every page 🙂 Well except the one we can see here that have 6 😛 Its the new Orly’s I got 😀 I am geek sorry ! 😛