Frk. Gine er flyttet ind

Se hva jeg lige fandt i Fakta for en rund 59 kr. seddel. Perfekt til smykkerne. Hun er 35 cm høj og 17 hvor hun er bredest 😛 Elsker så nogen her til smykker.. har i forvejen en hånd og  en lille 15 cm høj kinesisk jakketing fra Tiger så den her er lidt større.. men helt perfekt ;D Man kunne også få den i hvid.. men foretrækker nu det her hærdet stål look 😉

See what I found.. love these for my jeweleries 😀

Late night skittle!

Sidder på min sidste nattevagt i denne omgang og tæller nærmest sekunderne til jeg skal hjem kl.7.. har haft 3 ekstra vagter denne her periode og de to af dem var nat.. det begynder at kunne mærkes og ser nu bare frem til at skulle vågne op i morgen(i dag) eftermiddag og ikke skulle på job igen før søndag. Måtte lige prøve mine nye lakke, de er rigtig lækre og helt rigtige til foråret 😀 Det blev dog ovenpå min Depend som jeg har haft på uden nogen nævneværdige hakker eller lign. så man kan da ikke sige de ikke holder.. 8 dage har det været på nu 😀 uden nogen toplak faktisk. Jeg regner med at skulle finde et loppemarked på fredag et eller andet sted. Skal bla. kigge efter gamle VHS bånd for en ven samt gamle nintendo spil og så cd’er med dance/pop fra 90erne. Så det ser jeg bestemt frem til ;D

Last shift right now.. counting the seconds until I can go home.. so tired.. starting to feel it after 3 extra shifts! Phew good to have some colors to cheer me up in the middle of the night 😉

Trying again..

my last ballerina shoe-buy turned out to not be as good as I had hoped… I can fit the shoes yes.. But I doubt I can walk in them since I think they will bend kinda weird.. eh well cant explain it 😛  Anyways now I found a UK site that have a correct size. So this time better be the last 😛 Oh and btw. if you wanna buy those shoes from the last ballerina shopping spree please don’t hesitate to contact me 🙂 I have only tried them, never walked in them 🙂

I bought these at

China Glaze Up & Away Collection, Happy Go Lucky, Heli-Yum & Four Leaf Clover

I was lucky enough to get sent this product for review from the manufacturer* so here is my pictures of them and thoughts 🙂

I don’t know why but when I see the colors from this collection I think about the circus and fun and summer. And I don’t even like clowns that much 😛 They are scary 🙁 But the colors still cheer me up and with all this winter and snow and cold, its much needed! That’s for sure.

First up is Happy Go Lucky – its a creme and applies really well, but needed two coats for total coverage. It could be that I apply a fairly thin first coat, but I like to put it on thinner because there is a less chance of bubbles 🙂 But back to the polish. I really like it and even though yellow is not one of my favorite colors so I am pretty sure this is one that will pop up during spring and summer!

Then we have Heli-yum – also a creme. As with most red/pinks I find it very hard to capture. As you can see on the first picture the bottle color is slightly more pinkish than the color on the nails. But its really depending on which light is on and the surroundings. But nevertheless I love pinks and this one is a definite keeper 😉 A girl cant have to many pinks!

Four Leaf Clover – or the chameleon as I like to call it. This is also a creme, I actually think the full collection is all cremes, but not entirely sure. It applies really well, I think one coat did the job here and ½ coat for finishing touches. And now look at the 3 pictures below. Of the same polish. Notice any difference? Just click to make them bigger, had to make them tiny so they could fit besides each other. Amazing how a color can be so versatile. Blue, green and minty. And when I look at it in real life it looks more like grass green.. I think these are some great colors and I am sure these and many of the pastels that there are out will be good this upcoming season 🙂 I am gonna put this one on the toes for sure! 😛 And I would definitely recommend this for Sct. Pattys day 😉

And to finish off I have taken a picture with no flash, the only light is a desk lamp. I honestly think this is the most accurate shot of the colors, except of the Heli-Yum, where the top picture is the best.
Have you found your spring colors yet?

*All opinions concerning this product is my own and I am not getting paid to write this.

Thanks for reading 🙂

I like…

I spotted this over at Nicholaine blog and I feel a bit lot bored so I thought I would do this 😉

  • Flower: I am going for the rose
  • Food: A sandwich of a local pizzeria.. Chicken/bacon and the best curry sauce ever!
  • Books: Mysteries or chicklit.
  • Clothes: I love to wear sweat pants, yes I am white trash 😛
  • Shoes: I own 2 pairs of Adidas Superstar, 1 in black and 1 in white and 1 pair of black kawasaki’s. I usually wear the white Adidas.
  • Baked goods/pastry: I don’t cook my self but I love home made buns.. I think they are called that 😛
  • Vegetable: Uhm carrots
  • Fruit: Apples – Golden Delicious .
  • Movie: This is a really tough one since I don’t have a favourite movie, but I saw It’s Complicated last night and I really liked it 🙂
  • Tea or coffee: Dont touch coffee so that’s an easy one.. And I really like Green tea 😉
  • Magazine: Elle, Bazar and my favourite was Cosmopolitan when it still was here in Denmark
  • Beach-, skiing or big city vacation: Would love to go to some of the bigger cities in Europe and USA.. Tried the skiing and it wasn’t for me and beach you can always go to 😛
  • Beer or wine: I love beer but I started to drink wine a bit more now when I can instead of the beer. Especially like a good white wine 🙂
  • Sport: Football.. and I don’t mean that sissy American football! I am talking real football where you kick a ball 😛

Feel free to see your self tagged if I have you read this and do link back in the comments if you do it 😉