
Once upon a time

there was a book filled with polish swatches…

Every time I get a new polish I make a quick swatch in this little book just so I know how it looks 😀 This was btw. what I was doing when I was sick with my eye a month ago 😛 also an easy way to keep a hold on how many polishes I got since theres 5 swatches on every page 🙂 Well except the one we can see here that have 6 😛 Its the new Orly’s I got 😀 I am geek sorry ! 😛

Package from the US!

Nicole saw my post about a sheep I bought and today I received a package from her. I had no idea what to expect, so cracked up when I saw it 😛 Sheep-slippers! Haha

She also put some polishes from SinFul Colours in the package and some cakegoodies 😀 I will swatch those as soon as I am done with my little chanel polish experiment 😛

Is there something you wanna tell me Nicole? 😛

Thank you so much for the sheep’s, polishes and goodies, you are to kind 😀 I hope to return the favour soon 😉

Orly Spring collections (well some of them)

So when I got home not only did I have new phone waiting for me… but I also received a package with some new polishes in it from ORLY! And I of course tried my new phone’s camera for a quick picture of the polishes!

And I am amazed over the quality of the picture! I loooove my new phone 😀 The only sad thing about all this.. is I cant try these!! I made a promise to a very sweet reader to test the how long my new Chanel polish can last before it starts to chip and such.. So have to hang in there 😛

Anyways to get back to the polish, its from left to right
from the Sweet Collection
Pixi Stix

and from the Bloom Collection
Wild Wisteria
Pure Petunia
Ginger Lilly

Cant wait to show you these on 😀
Have a really nice evening/day where ever you are and thanks for reading! 🙂

Chanel Particulière

Today I received my order from last weeks “shopping spree” on eBay Chanel Particulière 😀

Just grabbed some quick shots of it 😀 Maybe be back with some better pics when I get the new camera

Chanel - 505 Particulière

I LOVE how it looks. And as with all chanel polishes it the application is really good. I think its nice how is lighter or dark depending on the light 😀

Chanel - 505 ParticulièreThis is with two coats and seche vite top coat

Chanel - 505 Particulière

In all I am really glad I got this and think I will be wearing this for a good amount of time this spring 😀