4. December

Kilde: Bauhaus

Når jeg engang får min helt egen hoveddør som hører til mit helt eget hus.. Så skal den helt sikkert se sådan ud hvert år til jul. Ser så dejligt varmt og indbydende ud 😀


Some time in the future when I have my own house this is how I want my front door to look every year at Christmas time, I mean who wouldn’t feel welcome here? 😀

3. December

Det her er et af verdens mest berømte juletræer, nemlig juletræet ved Rockefeller Center i New York. Ville så gerne over og opleve det på et tidspunkt. Så det må jo være en drøm der skal opfyldes en gang i fremtiden 🙂


This is one of the worlds most famous Christmas trees, more specifically the tree at Rockefeller Centre in New York City. Would so love to go and experience it at some point for real. So guess that’s a drem that have to be fulfilled some time in the future 🙂

Tagged! 4 times!

I’m sorry I have been slacking on these, saw you tagged me but forgot all about them and then I just noticed I’ve put a star on them on my reader. So hope I’m not to late on “paying it forward” 😉
2x Kreativ blogger by KellieG and PolishPig
One Lovely Blog by Nihrida
15 blogs i read frequently tag by Naive Nails

First up is Kreativ Blogger and the rules are 7 Facts about me and then I’m supposed to tag 7 blogs with this 🙂 So I guess I’m supposed to give 14 facts and tag 14 blogs, but I think ill stick to the 7 😛

  1. I don’t drink coffee.. kinda ironic when I work night shifts and that I work in the IT business where coffee is something of a drug 😛 But I don’t like the smell.. and the taste is horrible 😛
  2. I have developed an addiction recently… to How I met your mother. Saw all seasons when I had my last week off.. eeeek what a lot of episodes.. but I liiiiiike them a lot!
  3. I quit smoking January 2008(i think, cant remember exactly what date) and I really enjoy not having that addiction any more. Thanks to my boyfriend saying that he didn’t want to live with me unless I didn’t smoke. Was a big push towards getting smoke free 🙂
  4. I got stuck at fact no. 4 🙁 and that’s a fact 😛
  5. I love coca cola
  6. I just wrote a letter to my self that I will receive on my 35th birthday
  7. I recently discovered that I’m pretty sure I have HSP… which explains a lot for me, was a relief 🙂

I tag Jordforbindelse(n), Echoes, 2300 Happiiiness, this is my chaos, Discountliv & Luksusdrømme, //by Nicholaine and Eventuelt & Måske with the Kreativ Blogger award (and ofc the next one to if you want to ;))

The next 2 tags are really similar. The rules for One Lovely Blog is: Place the image on your blog and the name of the person who gave you the award(with a link to his/hers blog) Tag another 15 blogs you discovered recently
And the rules for 15 blogs i read frequently is accept the award and tag 15 awesome blogs that you love to read!
I read a lot of blogs as some of you may know so this is going to be a really hard one. I have no idea which blog I just discovered recently and I read all the blogs I follow when they update because of my reader. So I don’t really know how to choose 🙁 I think I’m gonna stick to the ones I have on my blogroll… so all you lovely girls out there on the right I tagged YOU 😉

2. December


Det her billede har jeg ikke selv taget. Det er fundet på google, men det er jo stadig rigtig skønt at kigge på. Jeg tog et billede i dag men har glemt kablet til mit kamera derhjemme og lige nu sidder jeg på job, så det må vente til en anden dag. Og i øvrigt står det helt lige i afstemningen om den næste NOTD så den fortsætter indtil i morgen. Så håber jeg der er fundet en vinder der 😛 I julens ånd har jeg lavet de små hjerter her røde i stedet for den sædvanlige lilla/lyserøde farve


I’m afraid I cant take credit for this one. Found it on Google, but its still nice 😛 I took a picture today but I forgot the cable to my camera at home so will have to wait with it to another day.
And the voting is tied on the next NOTD so guess I have to let it go on till tomorrow 😛 Oh and in the Christmas spirit I made the little hearts red instead of purple/pink color 😛