
Var meningen jeg skulle til tandlægen i dag.. men det gjorde jeg ik.. Var meningen jeg skulle ud og lave nogen små ting.. men det gjorde jeg ik… Det her vejr gør virkelig at jeg ikke føler mig inspireret til hverken det ene eller det andet… Gråt og koldt og vådt.. IIHH og øv…. jeg kan ikke engang tage mig sammen til at putte noget nyt lak på… jeg må være halv syg 😮


Was supposed to go to the dentist today… but I didnt. Was supposed to go out and get some stuff fixed.. But I didnt.. This weather is making me so uninspired… Grey and cold and wet.. Damn it.. cant even pull myself to do a mani.. must be sick 😮

NOTD // China Glaze – Atlantis

So I like know this totally awesome chick in the USA.. and she like sent me these awesome polishes 😀 And this is the first of 3 😀 Thank you so much Kellie 🙂 Really appreciate it! 😀

The reason for wearing this today is that later im going home to one of my best friends and we gonna be doing Christmas marzipan/candy(I dont know if this is made anywhere else but its been a tradition for years). When I was little I did it with my grandmother at home. So its nice to continue it with my friends years later 😀 This was my result from last year! Well the reason is because I think its very Christmassy 😛

It tasted so nice 😛

And on to the polish
The last one had a really cool effect 😀

The polish is a jelly glitter greenish with a hint of turquoise/blue. It needs to get 2 coats else it will clump up. But I looooove it. Its so sparkly and have all sorts of colors in stead of just the normal silver glitter. Holo-glitter.. whats not to love?

THANK YOU KELLIE! I love it! 😀


Til thé
Lidt stads jeg fandt på loppemarkedet og nej jeg har ikke pyntet op til jul, de nisser i baggrunden står der hele året rundt 😛

The flea market stuff I bought and btw I haven’t decorated for Christmas yet, those elf’s in the background stands there all year round 😛

Loppemarked i Bella Centret

I dag skal jeg på loppemarked med svigermor vi skal bare ose og ikke bruge penge 😉 Men håber da jeg falder over noget spændende, det er helt sikkert. Så kan være jeg flasher noget senere 😛


I’m going to a fleamarket, just to browse and I don’t count on spending any money.. But if something interesting where to come my way I wouldn’t hesitate to buy it 😛