Before/After Helmer's arrival


Order! 😀

But I surely don’t wanna assemble more of these anytime soon.. requires a lot of bending with a screwdriver and I broke 3 nails doing this 🙁 Next time I have to make sure my boyfriend is home 😛

Package from the US!

Nicole saw my post about a sheep I bought and today I received a package from her. I had no idea what to expect, so cracked up when I saw it 😛 Sheep-slippers! Haha

She also put some polishes from SinFul Colours in the package and some cakegoodies 😀 I will swatch those as soon as I am done with my little chanel polish experiment 😛

Is there something you wanna tell me Nicole? 😛

Thank you so much for the sheep’s, polishes and goodies, you are to kind 😀 I hope to return the favour soon 😉

Mom & Dad-Chairs

This is gonna be so off topic.. nothing nail related here today.. move it along people 😛

This Christmas I picked up a great idea from on of my favorite blogs, the danish blog guru Marie. She had a post about on how her home looked and had included a little contest and some pictures.  See her post here And in this I saw a great idea for a Christmas presents to my mom and my future “dad” 😛

So I present the Mom and Dad Chair!

Step 1:
You take 2x old dusty chair from a flea market

Step 2:
You take 1 old dusty grandfather to help you get the buttons off the legs

Step 3:
You burnish(is this right word?) the chair where the glue is suppose to be put on

Step 4:
You put a lot of pictures of the person the chair is intended to on

Step 5(optional):
Then you maybe put something a little extra on (in this case a picture from their wedding day)

Step 6:
Then you coat it with some see through stuff so it wont be worn up so quickly and voila you have a mom and dad chair ;DThen you have the dusty grandfather disguise it as something completely different when wrapped.
And then they had a very merry Christmas! 😀
I wish I was there when they got the present, but this year I had to work Christmas eve
(oh well can re-use the idea when I get some grandchildren for them at some point :P)

But they really liked their present and it came in handy for our Christmas party 😀

New year, new design

So it finally happened. I have been getting more and more pissed annoyed with using blogspot the last couple of months and since my first shift at work this year is 2 days in the weekend (where absolutely nothing happens) I thought this would be a good time to start finding a new theme and get it all sorted 🙂 So after a few hours browsing themes I found this one and I am really happy about it. Its nice colors that suits me and the blog. I worked all day on moving stuff and finding widgets so all would work the way I liked. I will move the Google friend connect widget over tomorrow so hopefully if anyone wanna site, wait till tomorrow 😛 I hope you all like it and the blog also had a name change to make it look a bit more professional. Many didn’t get the spelling error in the text was on purpose so had to explain it a lot of times 🙁 So now any misunderstandings should be out of the way. Some upcoming stuff will be a giveaway sometime in the near future and I plan on doing a lot more NOTD’s that I have been slacking on a bit these last couple of months. Mostly cause of busy at work and I thought of making the votes so I would get a little more time between the posts. If you btw. see anything not working or you would like to have your link added to my blog roll please e-mail me or leave a comment!

Thanks to all who reads in here, you are the reason I keep blogging 🙂
Hugs from Maria

This is the 500th post o/ very good timing 😀