Dry Nails.. what?

Faldt lige over denne her på et forum og synes det var ret sjovt. Jeg er ret sikker på jeg aldrig vil bruge det her. En del af glæden ved neglelakken for mig er koncentrationen ved at sidde og lakere neglene 🙂 Er sikker på det er et godt alternativ for dem der ikke er så glade ved det som mig 😛


Just saw this on a forum and thought it was kinda funny. Don’t think I would ever use this. I enjoy the concentration of putting the polish on 🙂 But I think its a good alternative to those who don’t see the joy in that as much as me 😛

You make me smile award! and bonus Tag!

I was given this award and tagged by the lovely Miss Lipglossing 🙂

-You have to put in a song that makes you happy.
– You can tag as many people as you like, there is no limit.
– Say at least one thing about each blog you tag, that will make them smile, something nice about their blog that makes you smile when you read it! 😀

So I better make this in english then 😛

The song is Queen – Dont stop me now

I was born in the 80ies so i was sort of raised with Queen and this is one of the most played songs on my little CD player 🙂 I love that I just instantly smile when he starts on the chorus and I just think the songs has nothing else than positivity glowing out of it ;D C’mon you cant listen to this and DON’T be in a good mood ;D

Mr. Mercury the world wouldn’t have been the same without you 🙂

And then on to the tagging… this is going to be so hard..
Im currently following .. 286 blogs… 😮 didn’t actually know it was that many…
And so many of them leave me with such a good feeling and smile on my face.. but here we go 🙂

That girl has the most cute and funny cats and dogs… which there was a very cute movie of today 😀 and of course the infamous picture with the censored dog 😛 and well not to forget to mention her incredible manis 🙂

She is studying to become an architect, seems like such a sweet girl and then she have the pink watering can I want! She takes some really good and cool pictures and then we share the same taste in polish brand ;D and the final twist.. she has a real funny mum 😉 Orh sorry Lady of the house 😉

Im a faithfull follower of her blog, we share the same passion for polish and she have a really nice taste in music, usually when I go to her site I start to listen to the little player and just sits for hours and listening to it 🙂 We started blogging around the same time to and she has the cutest little toes hihi 😛

Miss Echoes
We definitely share the same taste in polish… BarryM yes yes… ;D She is a creative soul and does a lot of DIY’s and she recently had a winter hat on her blog.. that looked like a teddybears ass.. 😀 THAT made me smile for sure 😛 and I know it made her smile to 😉

Kim, Iben & Julie J
The 3 lovely fashionistas of More about fashion and us. They have some lovely inspirational pictures and cool quotes! And I think its so cool that 3 girls are sharing a blog and manage to make it so versatile 🙂 One of my favorites posts is Kim not being very happy about a top 😛

And of course my favourite blogger.. that’s not a blogger.. Lucy ;D she always makes me smile with her friendly comments 🙂

I would like to tag alot of others but im sticking to 5 this time around 🙂

Thanks for giving me the award! This was so much fun to do 😀 Hope all of you I have tagged will participate 🙂

Morten Breum ft Nik & Jay – Domestic (HQ) new single!

Det er aldrig sket før….. men hold da kæft hvor er det godt der er nogen der kan komme og fikse deres musik… For første gang nogensinde har de lavet musik man faktisk gider at høre på ! TAK MORTEN!

Havde aldrig troet jeg skulle synes om en nik og jay sang.. im sorry to all i have disappointed 🙁