Jeg er så heldig at have vundet vintertids-vagten her på job. Dvs. jeg ska sidde her i aften/nat/morgen til kl.7 og det vil sige 13½ time før jeg har fri. Så har jeg heldigvis en del tid til at fornøje mig med min nye lakke. I aften har jeg husket dem. Det eneste der er irriterende ved det er at jeg ikke har sollys til billederne. Men så må jeg nøjes med flash og lyset i loftet. Og så har jeg også fået det nye Elle ind af døren så det skal også lige gennemlæses på et tidspunkt. Ellers så har jeg også fornøjelsen af Barnaby og hvad jeg ellers kan zappe frem. Håber i alle nyder jeres lørdag aften, forhåbentlig med noget mere spændende end arbejde 🙂 Nå ja og så skal jeg drikke en masse mere grøn the.. Det smager jo rigtig godt 🙂 det er i øvrigt Green Tea Tchae Orient fra Lipton. Så den kan kun anbefales 😀
2 hours to go…
Lying here in my office chair at work.. with my legs up on the table and relaxing. I’m soooo tired and to night i have to go to bed early. I don’t think that it will be a problem though since I easily could fall asleep here and now. My boyfriend called me on the phone and said I have a package waiting at home. And that made me a bit more awake.. not much but still a bit.. Actually I think im coming down with something.. Felt crappy all day here 🙁 The package I received is from and much awaited. Not only because of the OPI’s in it but also the Zoya which came broken in my last package so its such a shame im so tired… Cause I would rather go home and put some polish stuff on than to go straight to bed…. obvious choice isnt it? 😛
buhuu.. send good thoughts my way so I will make it the last couple of hours.. Im really close to going home earlier if I dont feel better soon 🙁
BTW I FOUND SITE THAT SHIPS China Glaze TO DK!!! so now i know where to get the good stuff 😛
NOTD / Zoya – Envy
This is one of my new Zoyas.. you know those where one of them broke.. :p hence the pinkish stuff on the bottle 🙂 I love this green its so dark and fall like.. So perfect! As always the application with this Zoya is as delightful as with any other Zoya.. really a high end brand 🙂 I can only recommend it.
I read on today that she had received the OPI’s so in a couple of days, maybe Monday or Tuesday next week im getting my shipment of some of the new collections 🙂 So any time now Anne 😉 oh and i shopped on barrym.. i had to.. they had 20% discount code… argh
My boyfriend went to Tivoli(danish amusement park, which have a halloween theme atm) last night and won a bunch of stuffed animals for me.. yay… ^^ a fake donkey from winnie the pooh. A cow with a strutting utter.. a sleeping zebra, a clownfish and ofc. a I love you heart… how corny is that? 😛 lol
NOTD // Zoya – Demi
My long awaited Zoya polishes.. Here is the first of 3(the last will come with next months nailmail) swatches 🙂 And of course the reason the bottle looks so messy is cause of one of the bottles broke in the shipping. I only have pics of it at night with camera flash on… I had the chance to take a photo with sunlight Saturday, but the sun wasn’t out so that was kinda hard 😛
Oh god i hate this editor.. 🙁
Its in the air…
And right after i took these pictures i knocked my bottle with nail polish remover down over my self so i was soaked with that… 🙁 and the most sad part is that its the color i was most exited about Anaka… *cry*
Hopefully Karin from can send me a new one with my opi’s… and I just got an email from her that she will get a new one to me with the opi’s… SO MUCH LOVE TO KARIN ?
And sorry guys i dont have time to choose winners of my giveaway tonight I’m to tired atm to do anything else than eat and then go to bed 🙁
Its ironic to remove nailpolish of a nailpolish bottle with nailpolish remover…. and a bit weird… :/