Tagged! 4 times!

I’m sorry I have been slacking on these, saw you tagged me but forgot all about them and then I just noticed I’ve put a star on them on my reader. So hope I’m not to late on “paying it forward” 😉
2x Kreativ blogger by KellieG and PolishPig
One Lovely Blog by Nihrida
15 blogs i read frequently tag by Naive Nails

First up is Kreativ Blogger and the rules are 7 Facts about me and then I’m supposed to tag 7 blogs with this 🙂 So I guess I’m supposed to give 14 facts and tag 14 blogs, but I think ill stick to the 7 😛

  1. I don’t drink coffee.. kinda ironic when I work night shifts and that I work in the IT business where coffee is something of a drug 😛 But I don’t like the smell.. and the taste is horrible 😛
  2. I have developed an addiction recently… to How I met your mother. Saw all seasons when I had my last week off.. eeeek what a lot of episodes.. but I liiiiiike them a lot!
  3. I quit smoking January 2008(i think, cant remember exactly what date) and I really enjoy not having that addiction any more. Thanks to my boyfriend saying that he didn’t want to live with me unless I didn’t smoke. Was a big push towards getting smoke free 🙂
  4. I got stuck at fact no. 4 🙁 and that’s a fact 😛
  5. I love coca cola
  6. I just wrote a letter to my self that I will receive on my 35th birthday
  7. I recently discovered that I’m pretty sure I have HSP… which explains a lot for me, was a relief 🙂

I tag Jordforbindelse(n), Echoes, 2300 Happiiiness, this is my chaos, Discountliv & Luksusdrømme, //by Nicholaine and Eventuelt & Måske with the Kreativ Blogger award (and ofc the next one to if you want to ;))

The next 2 tags are really similar. The rules for One Lovely Blog is: Place the image on your blog and the name of the person who gave you the award(with a link to his/hers blog) Tag another 15 blogs you discovered recently
And the rules for 15 blogs i read frequently is accept the award and tag 15 awesome blogs that you love to read!
I read a lot of blogs as some of you may know so this is going to be a really hard one. I have no idea which blog I just discovered recently and I read all the blogs I follow when they update because of my reader. So I don’t really know how to choose 🙁 I think I’m gonna stick to the ones I have on my blogroll… so all you lovely girls out there on the right I tagged YOU 😉

You make me smile award! and bonus Tag!

I was given this award and tagged by the lovely Miss Lipglossing 🙂

-You have to put in a song that makes you happy.
– You can tag as many people as you like, there is no limit.
– Say at least one thing about each blog you tag, that will make them smile, something nice about their blog that makes you smile when you read it! 😀

So I better make this in english then 😛

The song is Queen – Dont stop me now

I was born in the 80ies so i was sort of raised with Queen and this is one of the most played songs on my little CD player 🙂 I love that I just instantly smile when he starts on the chorus and I just think the songs has nothing else than positivity glowing out of it ;D C’mon you cant listen to this and DON’T be in a good mood ;D

Mr. Mercury the world wouldn’t have been the same without you 🙂

And then on to the tagging… this is going to be so hard..
Im currently following .. 286 blogs… 😮 didn’t actually know it was that many…
And so many of them leave me with such a good feeling and smile on my face.. but here we go 🙂

That girl has the most cute and funny cats and dogs… which there was a very cute movie of today 😀 and of course the infamous picture with the censored dog 😛 and well not to forget to mention her incredible manis 🙂

She is studying to become an architect, seems like such a sweet girl and then she have the pink watering can I want! She takes some really good and cool pictures and then we share the same taste in polish brand ;D and the final twist.. she has a real funny mum 😉 Orh sorry Lady of the house 😉

Im a faithfull follower of her blog, we share the same passion for polish and she have a really nice taste in music, usually when I go to her site I start to listen to the little player and just sits for hours and listening to it 🙂 We started blogging around the same time to and she has the cutest little toes hihi 😛

Miss Echoes
We definitely share the same taste in polish… BarryM yes yes… ;D She is a creative soul and does a lot of DIY’s and she recently had a winter hat on her blog.. that looked like a teddybears ass.. 😀 THAT made me smile for sure 😛 and I know it made her smile to 😉

Kim, Iben & Julie J
The 3 lovely fashionistas of More about fashion and us. They have some lovely inspirational pictures and cool quotes! And I think its so cool that 3 girls are sharing a blog and manage to make it so versatile 🙂 One of my favorites posts is Kim not being very happy about a top 😛

And of course my favourite blogger.. that’s not a blogger.. Lucy ;D she always makes me smile with her friendly comments 🙂

I would like to tag alot of others but im sticking to 5 this time around 🙂

Thanks for giving me the award! This was so much fun to do 😀 Hope all of you I have tagged will participate 🙂

Tagged: 7 things

Ow joy I can turn on my old editor again 😀 Wheee
Well this is not what this post is about.. I have been tagged 4 times to be exact by the lovely ladies Ayd, PingGinger, BeautyJudy and Kellie. So I did my best in finding stuff that have the color they chose 🙂

First up is pink that PinkGinger ofc tagged 😛
2 polishes, a Barry M and an E.l.f
Napkins (for decoupage)
Decoupage i made
Barry M bag
D&G sunglasses
USB modem
Northface beanie
And then red that Judy tagged
A small stool
2 decoupages
Tupperware heart shaped lunchbox
Mac Polish

And then orange, which im very sorry but i dont have that many orange stuff in my home 🙁 so put some extra on pink.. hope thats okay. Orange was tagged by Kellie 🙂
One more small stool
A bouncing ball thingy( i dont know what thats called :P)
Barry M polish
Orly Matte top coat
Book by Marian Keyes – Watermelon(dont know if thats the english title)

And then it was purple.. which was tagged by Ayd and that was no sweat finding since thats my favorite color ;D
First up is my ring holder, which also can hold my watch
Napkins (for decoupage)
2 cd/dvd boxes
2 polishes, a Depend and a Loreal
My new scarf
NaK, hair stuff to put on before I straighten my hair

Well guess that was it… I pick… the colour… PINK cause its October and that’s breast cancer awareness month.. So i pass this on to some of the danish blogs i read 🙂
Miss Echoes
Frk. Nør
og hvis hun får tid til at blogge igen 😛 Linda

Thanks ladies for this tag 😀 Was really fun to do 🙂

Tagged: I think youre an awesome girl

Ive been tagged by Tuli and with it follows 10 random facts about me,
thanks Tuli for tagging me :))

So here we go

1. Im a computer nerd… really nerd.. as in, i can fix my computer if it f***ks up, fix my internet connection and that kind of stuf. And if it should come to it i can also fix my hardware in my computer oh and yes.. When i dont fix my nails or fiddle with polish. I play lots of computergames. World of warcraft, counter strike, Left 4 Dead, DoTA, HoN, Guitar Hero(on a rare occation) and such things 🙂

This is my cow in Wow… erh the middle one that is called Rijah 😛

2. I have this weird addiction to pens. I love finding a new pen that is just so smooth to write with. This was at the highest when i worked for an officesupply company. And i was in heaven when i vent to a convention with all the companies that makes the pens and i got like 50 new pens 😀 my favorite pen is this from Pilot called Vega

3. I looove cellphones. That is nothing new i think. But i really like to get a new phone every 6 months when my current subscription runs out. So during my life ive had
Nokia Ringo, Ericsson somenumber(was before it turned into SonyEricsson), Nokia 6210, Nokia 5110, Nokia 3100, Nokia 3510, Nokia 6230i, Sony Ericsson T610, Sony Ericsson Z610i, Sony Ericsson w810i, SE w880i, SE w580i, SE w760i(current one) and prolly some more i have forgot. Buuut in between these i have also had some from my work, since ive been working at one of the larger subscribers in DK, random LG, Samsung and HTC. My next phone is the SE Satio and i cant wait! 😀 Oh and i work for motorola now so i also have tried 2-3 of their phones, but im more a SE kinda girl 😛 well.. i would love to own a blackberry, but they are really expensive here in Denmark, so that is something i have to just dream about :p

4. I once had a dog named Anton 😀 it looked alot like this one
5.My favorite color is pink/lilac’ish (hence all the pink/purple/lilacs on my site)

6. Im very nearsighted. I have -6,50 on one eye and -5,75 on the other. I have lenses though.. and have had that since 1998. When i dont have lenses in… i cant see anything.. really not anything. Unless it up in my face :p

7. Im a news junkie. I love to watch the news and follow the news on the internet. I have about 35 newssites in my google reader. And about 20 something newssite about IT.

8. All my jobs have included me somehow talking to customers on the phone. Well not my paperroute ofc. but all others since i was 18. Starting with my job at HP Support in sweden, then the Yellow Pages in Denmark, TDC(telecompany) in Denmark where I worked with business customers with phone lines and adsl and also cellphones from private customers. Com-X danish ISP, then on to Lyreco (the office supply company mentioned earlier) and now i work in a helpdesk for Motorola. So my hair is often headset shaped 😛

9. I am lousy at math.. i mean really really bad.. i can just barely figure out a 2+2. Anything thats more complicated than that i just give up on… i think im dyskalkuli (thats like the word thing just with numbers instead :P)

10. I dont own anything with an apple on it…. and prolly never will.. cant see the point in having an mp3 player when my phone has one 😉 and i have been using a mac at one of my old workplaces.. and they suck… so no thanks to mac 🙂

I tag anyone of the awesome girls that read my blog 😀

Ps. Im a ninja

50 random spørgsmål!

En af mine faste Youtube gurus jeg ser, har smidt en tag leg ud og skrevet hun tagger alle.. Så jeg vil tillade mig at smide den ud i blogsfæren og samtidig oversætte til den dansk.. da jeg simpelthen ikke har noget bedre at lave på job lige nu 😛

Hvor var du for 3 timer siden?
Her på job 🙁

Hvem er du forelsket i?
Min skønne kæreste 😀

Har du nogensinde spist et farvekridt?
Hmm nej ikke hvad jeg kan huske af..

Er der noget pink i nærheden af dig?
Ja mine negle og en kuglepen ;D

Hvornår var du sidste gang i centeret(the mall)?
Kan jeg slet ik huske :/

Har du strømper på lige nu?
Ja 😀

Har din familie en bil der er mere værd end 10000 kr? (den kan ikke rigtig oversættes da amerikanske biler er meget billigere end i DK)
Men ja 😛

Hvornår kørte du sidste gang ud af byen?
Kl.18 da jeg sku køre på job..

Har du været i biffen de sidste 5 dage?
Nej desværre.. var for 2 uger siden og så The Hangover ;D

Er du hot?
Ja self. 😀

Hvad var det sidste du drak?

Hvad har du på lige nu?
Cowboybukser, t-shirt og cardiganting

Vasker du selv din bil eller køre du i en bilvask?
Har jeg da min kæreste til 😉

Sidste du fik at spise?
Kylling Bacon sandwich 😀

Hvor var du i sidste uge på samme tid?
På job 🙁

Har du købt noget tøj i denne uge?
Nej desværre, har været på job og har shoppestop oveni.. så no clothes for me 🙁

Hvornår var sidste gang du løb?
Øhm. no idea 😛

Hvad var den sidste sportsevent du har set?
Det var Brøndby – Hertha Berlin ;D

Hvilket dyr er din favorit?
Hund (Gravhund)

Din drømmeferie?
Mig og min kæreste et eller andet sted varmt og helt alene

Hvems hus/lejlighed var du sidst i?
Min veninde Marias

Værste skade du nogensinde har haft?
Hmm har kommet til at stikke min lillefinger i en græsslåmaskine da jeg var lille.. Og det har jeg et lille ar efter.. Og det er heldigvis det værste..

Har du været forelsket?
Er da stadig ;D

Savner du nogen lige nu?
Ja min kæreste der ligger og sover i vores dejlige varme seng.. Og mine veninder Tina og Maria

Sidste film du så?
Bring it on (:D)

Hvad er dit hemmelig våben til at narre det modsatte køn?
Min charme 🙂

Hvad er dine planer for i aften?
Skal på arbejde igen.. 🙁

Hvem er den sidste person du har sendt en Facebook besked til?

Næste rejse du skal på?
Har ikke lige noget planlagt desværre 🙁

Har du nogensinde været på lejr af en art?
Jeg har været på spejderlejr masser af gange da jeg var barn

Fik du gode karakterer i skolen?
Njaa.. 😛

Hvad vil du gerne vide om fremtiden?
Om jeg nogensinde får lyst til at få børn… de er små og irriterende for mig lige nu nemlig 😛

Har du parfume eller deo på?
Ja Chanel 😀

Har du tid hos lægen i år?
Ikke lige planlagt noget endnu…. ^^ men skal nok til noget p-pille tjek igen snart 🙁

Hvor er din bedste ven/veninde?
I sin seng 🙂

Hvordan er din bedste ven/veninde?
Ikke nogen jeg ville være foruden i hvert fald 😉

Er du solbrændt?
Njah ikke så meget igen da jeg ikke fik en ordentlig tan i gang denne sommer…..

Hvad hører du lige nu?
Intet, tv’et er muted så det eneste jeg kan høre er regnen udenfor..

Samler du på noget?
Ja… neglelakke? 😀

Hvem er den du kender som løber med mest sladder?
Uha det er nok lige godt fordelt mellem mine venner

Sidste gang du blev stoppet af politiet?
Det har nok været et par år siden ude på landet.. ikke noget særligt 🙂

Har du nogensinde drukket din sodavand fra sugerør?
Ja da 😀 Er da det bedste og så får man ikke lige så meget syre på tænderne som når man drikker det fra et glas.

Hvad har du skrevet i din sidste sms?
Så send med mail nu skatter, vil gerne se 😡 (det var min header han sku maile ;D)

Kan du li stærk sauce?
Nej tak…

Sidste gang du tog et bad?
I dag inden jeg skulle på arbejde, så det er en 8 timer siden

Har du vasketøj du ska ha vasket?
Ja.. bliver man nogensinde færdig med det?

Hvor stammer du fra?
Jeg er vist pæredansk, dog har jeg et mellemnavn der stammer fra polen 🙂

Er du nogens bedste ven?
Ja det håber jeg da 🙂

Er du rig?
Rig på kærlighed, ja, penge, nej 😛

Hvad lavede du i går kl.24?
Slukkede tv’et efter jeg havde set The Daily Show

Det var vist det… nogen af spørgsmålene har jeg dansk’ficeret lidt.. de var lidt for amerikanske…..