NOTD // ORLY – Hawaiian Punch

So had to get it of course ;D And here are my pictures of it.. Older picture at the bottom with longer nails.
Such a great application. Covered totally with 1 coat. But I wanted to see if it did any bubbles and such so I gave it a second coat. Not at all necessary and no bubbles 🙂 It has some metallic over it and a bit hard to define what it goes as.. Well I love it and I just tried with a matte top coat and looks great to. A lot like La Paz-itively Hot – Matte but there’s a bit of a color difference. But still love those pinks 😀 So can certainly recommend this 🙂 Really pretty color 🙂
Oh and btw. I plan on doing this for NOTD some time in the future when the sun returns to this part of the planet 🙂 Looks so much nicer in sunshine 😛
Til de shoppelystne.
I weekenden d.14-15 november, er Danmarks Største Kræmmer & Loppemarked åbent i Club Danmark Hallen i Valby. Jeg ved ikke om jeg skal en tur derind, men håber da på det 🙂 Det koster 35 kr. er komme ind.
I øvrigt har jeg læst mig til der også er loppemarked følgende steder/datoer
Forum: 9. – 10. januar 2010
Bella Center: 20. – 21. februar 2010
Forum: Skærtorsdag/Langfredag 1. – 2. april 2010
Sorry this is for the danish people 😛
Var meningen jeg skulle til tandlægen i dag.. men det gjorde jeg ik.. Var meningen jeg skulle ud og lave nogen små ting.. men det gjorde jeg ik… Det her vejr gør virkelig at jeg ikke føler mig inspireret til hverken det ene eller det andet… Gråt og koldt og vådt.. IIHH og øv…. jeg kan ikke engang tage mig sammen til at putte noget nyt lak på… jeg må være halv syg 😮
Was supposed to go to the dentist today… but I didnt. Was supposed to go out and get some stuff fixed.. But I didnt.. This weather is making me so uninspired… Grey and cold and wet.. Damn it.. cant even pull myself to do a mani.. must be sick 😮