So had this on the blog before just not as NOTD and since I cant take new pics I guess I have to reuse old ones.
I really like it and as all RBL polishes the formula is nice and the application is quite easy 🙂
Polishes of 2009
Last post about anything with 2009…. I promise! 😛 Click to see it a bit bigger. Have nice evening/day where ever you are <3
Then & Now… a different NOTD
I saw a similar post on another nail blog some time ago, I’m sorry I cant remember which. And that made me look at some old photos from when I started blogging until today. And I must say i have improved my polishing skills.. quite a bit 😉 I can now make a fresh mani that is not all over my cuticles in about 5-10 minutes.. As to before it took me(If it were to be just a bit nice) about half to a full hour(maybe sometimes even more :o).
So lets see one of the first on the blog
This is if I have to say myself.. awful when i look at it now.. To much of my hand on the picture and polish all over the place.
Although I have never been that bad at putting it on I have never been anywhere near what I see on Scrangie, Vampy Varnish and all the other “pro nailers” out there. Have to be honest I couldn’t even figure out how they could make the manis so nice. Buuut somehow as I’m getting better at putting on polish it stays inside the lines.. so to speak 😉 I also used that trick of putting nailoil around the edges but it didn’t really work for me. So I just got a steadier hand which is nice now 😉
So to conclude.. i guess practice makes perfect or at least better…. 😛
I would love to see some of starter pictures of the nailblogs out there.. Would be fun ;D
Other “fun” facts:
This was my nailcollection in march 2009
Not much there ^^
And this is all my polishes today September 2009
I made a little circle with my Barry M’s 😀 And i guess its not so hard to guess which color is my favorite 😉
And this is where i store them
The small polkadot bag can hold exactly 12 Barry M’s so i usually take that with me if im going somewhere for a longer period.
I know its not the worlds largest collection, but its so hard to find the good brands in Denmark, have to order them home from US and it can be so damn expensive. So i get my more expensive brands through is such a great concept btw, subscription to nailpolish, sent in the mail to you.. whats not to love? :D).
I was a nail biter until very recently. 😮 ye I know shocking aint it? 😛 but somehow when I got more in to polish I just stopped.. have no idea how, guess having some pretty nails was more appealing to me then flossy short nails.
I cut my nail when I think they get to long. I don’t like too long nails… not on me at least.. maybe because I have so chubby fingers.. haha ;D
And I think thats enough with the facts 😛
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Late night mani.
Sry for a very bad picture. 3 months and then i will have my new phone with 12mp camera in it! 😀 Cant wait…..!
Right now im at my last night shift. Have 5 hours till im going home. Then tonight im gonna have a night alone with my bf. We had uhm…. 2 years and 10 months anniversary thingy last night but since im at work it will be this evening.. and he has a present for me 😀 Wheeee. We usually only buy each other gifts for the big days.. but he has a small present for me this time… What ever it is i know i will like it 😀
Nailmail – Rescue Beauty Lounge
Skøøønne farver 😀 Elsker dem alle helt vildt 😉 Dog synes jeg at børsten er lidt for lille, kan være jeg er blevet for vant til de større fra OPI :S Men farverne er skønne og absolut nogen jeg kommer til at bruge en del fremover 🙂 Eneste som behøver mere end et lag er Bikini Bottom men synes også den er ret fed ved kun et enkelt ;D