Yep… a look on the bright side.. but I still have 4 shifts left 🙁 The green was all bent on the brush and the bristles was all weird so I took a picture and sent it to Barry M so hopefully I can get it
replaced 🙂
NOTD / Zoya – Envy
This is one of my new Zoyas.. you know those where one of them broke.. :p hence the pinkish stuff on the bottle 🙂 I love this green its so dark and fall like.. So perfect! As always the application with this Zoya is as delightful as with any other Zoya.. really a high end brand 🙂 I can only recommend it.
I read on today that she had received the OPI’s so in a couple of days, maybe Monday or Tuesday next week im getting my shipment of some of the new collections 🙂 So any time now Anne 😉 oh and i shopped on barrym.. i had to.. they had 20% discount code… argh
My boyfriend went to Tivoli(danish amusement park, which have a halloween theme atm) last night and won a bunch of stuffed animals for me.. yay… ^^ a fake donkey from winnie the pooh. A cow with a strutting utter.. a sleeping zebra, a clownfish and ofc. a I love you heart… how corny is that? 😛 lol
Tagged: 7 things
Ow joy I can turn on my old editor again 😀 Wheee
Well this is not what this post is about.. I have been tagged 4 times to be exact by the lovely ladies Ayd, PingGinger, BeautyJudy and Kellie. So I did my best in finding stuff that have the color they chose 🙂
2 polishes, a Barry M and an E.l.f
Napkins (for decoupage)
Decoupage i made
Barry M bag
D&G sunglasses
USB modem
Northface beanie
A small stool
2 decoupages
Tupperware heart shaped lunchbox
Mac Polish
A bouncing ball thingy( i dont know what thats called :P)
Barry M polish
Orly Matte top coat
Book by Marian Keyes – Watermelon(dont know if thats the english title)
First up is my ring holder, which also can hold my watch
Napkins (for decoupage)
2 cd/dvd boxes
2 polishes, a Depend and a Loreal
My new scarf
NaK, hair stuff to put on before I straighten my hair
Well guess that was it… I pick… the colour… PINK cause its October and that’s breast cancer awareness month.. So i pass this on to some of the danish blogs i read 🙂
Miss Echoes
Frk. Nør
og hvis hun får tid til at blogge igen 😛 Linda
Giveaway Winners!
So i fiddled around with choosing some winners to night..
Guess you would like to know who won then? ;D
So my mind was so creative that i wrote down the names on all the people who entered and stacked them, ready to be crumbled up and going in to my box below. (Its homemade btw, decoupage :D)
Let the crumbling begin…..
And then we shake it up and down….
And I picked the first winner…. Nelly won SIlver Cascade! Yay
Then some more crumbling….
And then I picked… Lucy Yay 😀 She won Violet Gold Shimmer
Then some more crumbles 😀
And then for the last.. I decided to let it be the last man(woman) standing… and after having uncrumbled all the entries… Guess who was left….
Yep Painted Lady Fingers won the most popular Aqua Green Yay 😀
So here are all the winners
and Lucy and Painted Lady Fingers
Thank you so much to everyone who participated, if i could I would give you all a polish, but I cant : (( But this was so much fun to have a giveaway. Sorry for my slacking with the winner announcement but I had some work the last couple of days. I will defently be having a giveaway again in the near future 🙂 If the lovely winners would like to send me their address on e-mail then I can hopefully get them shipped on monday or tuesday 🙂 Much loooove to all of you ;D
If I dont hear from the winners before the 10th of october I will choose a new winner. 🙂
Then & Now… a different NOTD
I saw a similar post on another nail blog some time ago, I’m sorry I cant remember which. And that made me look at some old photos from when I started blogging until today. And I must say i have improved my polishing skills.. quite a bit 😉 I can now make a fresh mani that is not all over my cuticles in about 5-10 minutes.. As to before it took me(If it were to be just a bit nice) about half to a full hour(maybe sometimes even more :o).
So lets see one of the first on the blog
This is if I have to say myself.. awful when i look at it now.. To much of my hand on the picture and polish all over the place.Although I have never been that bad at putting it on I have never been anywhere near what I see on Scrangie, Vampy Varnish and all the other “pro nailers” out there. Have to be honest I couldn’t even figure out how they could make the manis so nice. Buuut somehow as I’m getting better at putting on polish it stays inside the lines.. so to speak 😉 I also used that trick of putting nailoil around the edges but it didn’t really work for me. So I just got a steadier hand which is nice now 😉
So to conclude.. i guess practice makes perfect or at least better…. 😛
I would love to see some of starter pictures of the nailblogs out there.. Would be fun ;D
Other “fun” facts:
This was my nailcollection in march 2009Not much there ^^
And this is all my polishes today September 2009I made a little circle with my Barry M’s 😀 And i guess its not so hard to guess which color is my favorite 😉
And this is where i store them
The small polkadot bag can hold exactly 12 Barry M’s so i usually take that with me if im going somewhere for a longer period.
I know its not the worlds largest collection, but its so hard to find the good brands in Denmark, have to order them home from US and it can be so damn expensive. So i get my more expensive brands through is such a great concept btw, subscription to nailpolish, sent in the mail to you.. whats not to love? :D).
I was a nail biter until very recently. 😮 ye I know shocking aint it? 😛 but somehow when I got more in to polish I just stopped.. have no idea how, guess having some pretty nails was more appealing to me then flossy short nails.
I cut my nail when I think they get to long. I don’t like too long nails… not on me at least.. maybe because I have so chubby fingers.. haha ;D
And I think thats enough with the facts 😛
Hope you all have a great weekend!