I bought a new ring from Marc Jacobs, fits perfect as a index finger ring 😀 Been looking for one like this for quite some time 🙂
Before/After Helmer's arrival
Order! 😀
But I surely don’t wanna assemble more of these anytime soon.. requires a lot of bending with a screwdriver and I broke 3 nails doing this 🙁 Next time I have to make sure my boyfriend is home 😛
Mom & Dad-Chairs
This is gonna be so off topic.. nothing nail related here today.. move it along people 😛
This Christmas I picked up a great idea from on of my favorite blogs, the danish blog guru Marie. She had a post about on how her home looked and had included a little contest and some pictures. See her post here And in this I saw a great idea for a Christmas presents to my mom and my future “dad” 😛
So I present the Mom and Dad Chair!
Step 1:
You take 2x old dusty chair from a flea market
Step 2:
You take 1 old dusty grandfather to help you get the buttons off the legs
Step 3:
You burnish(is this right word?) the chair where the glue is suppose to be put on
Step 4:
You put a lot of pictures of the person the chair is intended to on
Step 5(optional):
Then you maybe put something a little extra on (in this case a picture from their wedding day)
Step 6:
Then you coat it with some see through stuff so it wont be worn up so quickly and voila you have a mom and dad chair ;DThen you have the dusty grandfather disguise it as something completely different when wrapped.
And then they had a very merry Christmas! 😀
I wish I was there when they got the present, but this year I had to work Christmas eve
(oh well can re-use the idea when I get some grandchildren for them at some point :P)
But they really liked their present and it came in handy for our Christmas party 😀
Mac – Give Me Liberty Collection
Sneakpeak of the new Mac collection that will be launched in April
By courtesy of BritishBeautyBlogger
Amazing shots from around the world
Some cool pictures from new years eve all across the globe, truly amazing shots 🙂
Sydney, Australia
Seattle, USA
Moscow, Russia
Paris, France
Legazpi, Manila
Venice, Italy
Rio de Janairo, Brazil
See more here